“The sheriff asked me to bring this to you.” Decker held up a bag.

“What is it?”

“Your sister’s effects.”

I looked into his eyes. “I don’t know what to do,” I whispered.

“Take your sister’s stuff, and we’ll go back to Boston. When the sheriff says it’s okay, we can come back.”

I looked over at Adler and then back at Decker. “How long do you think it will be?”

“It’s difficult to say.”

When I turned back to Ad, he was studying something on his phone. Why was he on his phone? “There’s a flight in two hours,” he mumbled. “If you hurry, we can catch it.”

Decker took a step closer. “If you need a place to stay, there’s a guest house at the ranch.”

“The ranch?”

“King-Alexander. It isn’t too far from here.”

Adler was still preoccupied by his phone. Here was a man I hadn’t seen since I was a child—and barely knew then—being kinder to me than the man who had been one of my closest friends for the last four years.

“If you’re sure,” I said to Decker, again appreciating how sensitive he was being.

“I’m sure.”

“Give me a minute?”

He nodded and stepped away.

“I’m staying here. At least until they can determine my sister’s cause of death.”

Adler finally looked up from his phone. “I don’t see the point, Mil. Whether you’re here or at home, isn’t going to change anything. Let’s get back to Boston, and when there’s something more you’re needed for here, you can come back.”

“Something more I’m needed for? Adler—” God, I couldn’t even talk to him. Needed for? My sister was dead. I had a funeral to plan, a burial, and then I had to figure out what to do with my grandfather’s house. Wasn’t any of this dawning on him? “I’m going to stay, but you should go home.”

His eyes opened wide as though something I’d said surprised him. Again, I was stunned by his insensitivity. Had he always been this way and I just never noticed? Or had I noticed and just overlooked it because it had always been easier just to accept that Adler was always around, always doing things for me?

“I’m not leaving without you.”

“I’m sure you’d be welcome to stay at the ranch.”

Adler grabbed my arm. “No, Mila, I’m not staying at the ranch or anywhere else. I’m getting on the next plane to Boston, and so are you.”

“Let her go.” Decker stalked over to us and got in Adler’s face until he dropped my arm. I hadn’t noticed before how much taller than Adler he was. He had to be at least six feet five, maybe more.

“This is our ride,” Adler said when a car pulled up. He’d called a car service? Was that what he’d been doing? “Are you coming with me or not?”

“I’ve told you more than once that I’m staying here.”

Adler looked at me and then at Decker, who stood next to me with his arms folded.

“Last chance,” said the man I’d believed to be my friend. When I shook my head, he climbed into the back seat of the waiting vehicle and slammed the door.

I stood where I was until I saw the car round the corner.

“Ready?” Decker asked.