“Who else knows about this?”

“Doc and Merrigan, and our contact at the agency.”

“Do you know who Dash works for?”

Razor nodded, wishing she hadn’t asked.

“You can’t tell me, can you?”

“No. I can’t.”

He’d give anything to know what Ava was thinking, but he’d be patient and wait for her next move. Would she get on that plane? If she did, would he be able to get a ticket in time to take the same flight? If not, he’d have to put someone in New York on her detail until he arrived.

“I’m glad you were finally honest with me.”

“There’s something else I want you to know. I asked for this assignment, Ava. The truth is, Gunner tried to talk me out of it. Doc did too.”


“Because falling for your asset is against the rules, and for me, it was already too late. I fell for you long before I knew there was an assignment.”

“If it’s against the rules, why are you doing it?”

Razor leaned closer and cupped her cheek with his palm. “Because I could never forgive myself if something happened to you, and there was no one else I trusted enough to keep you as safe as I will.”

Her eyes were fixated on his, as though she was trying to reconcile the conflicts of what he was telling her.

“What are you going to do, Ava? Will you come back to the house with me, or will you get on the plane?”

“Is anyone else in danger because of me?”


“Not Aine?”

“Not to my knowledge.”

“Have you had sex with the woman who came to your house this morning?”

That question was so far out of left field, Razor almost felt as though she was conducting a lie-detection test.

“I have not. What else do you want to know, Ava?”

She studied him, not giving him any indication of what she might say or do next. Razor knew her flight had to be boarding soon, but he refused to look away from her even to check the time.

“This can’t be like Mercer and Quinn. I can’t have a relationship with you, Razor. I know that means two different things to you and me. But for me, it means I cannot have sex with you.”

He nodded, hating that since they started talking, she hadn’t called him Tabon once.

“Here’s the other thing. If you lie to me, I’m going to ask you quit this…assignment, or whatever it is, and get someone else to take over.”

“I can’t make that promise, Ava.”

“I see.”

“I’m being as honest as I know how right now. You may have questions that I can’t answer. Or won’t answer. I’ll lie to keep you safe, Ava. I’ll do anything to keep you safe.”

“Couldn’t you just be honest instead? If you can’t tell me something, just say so.”