“More than you want me to.”

“Monk decided now would be a good time for him to start talking?”

Saylor laughed. “No. Merrigan. How badass is she, by the way?”

Razor nodded. He guessed that Saylor actually had no idea just how badass Merrigan “Fatale” Shaw-Butler actually was.

“Ava’s father remains a threat.”

“What can I do?”

Razor shrugged. There really wasn’t anything anyone could do but keep her safe until they found him.

“When this is all over, I’m going to ask her to marry me.”

“Don’t wait, Raze.”


Saylor shook her head. “You, of all people, should know just how precious life is. Ask her today. Hell, marry her today if she’ll have you.” She winked.

“Hey, how’s Mom doin’?”

“Fine. Didn’t you see her a half hour ago?”

“Yeah, but you know how she is.”

“She’s been a trooper. I have to admit, I was a little surprised.”

Nothing their mom did ever surprised him. Talk about badass, his mahjong-playing mom would’ve given Fatale a run for her money in that department if she’d decided to be an operative when she was younger.

“She likes Ava, right?”

Saylor’s eyes filled with tears.


“She asked her to be here with us when they took you off life-support.”


“I know.

“Just to confirm, that means she likes her. Right?”

Saylor slugged him. “You’re such a dork. How’d you ever become a spook?”

“Why do people keep saying that to me? And, by the way, we refer to ourselves as officers, not spooks.”

“The plane is at the airfield,” Onyx reported to Razor.

“Who’s flying with you today?”


“He’s back?” The last Razor had heard, Mantis was deep undercover in Afghanistan.

“Yes, sir. Ready to do nothing but fly planes for a while.”