He’d make sure Gunner and everyone else understood that. As soon as he arrived at the coordinates, Razor also intended to let the team know his word was final, even above Gunner’s.

K19 carried tactical gear on the plane at all times, so Razor had alr

eady suited up. Monk as in the process of doing so, and once the plane was parked, Onyx and Alegria would do the same.

If their assumption was correct and Ava’s captors were transporting her to Seattle, they would only be about another hour out, two at the most. They didn’t have a lot of time to put a plan in place, but they’d been under far tighter time constraints.

Dutch met them on their way in and gave them a rundown of what they were up against.

“There are six still on the ground here. There were originally nine.”

Which likely meant there were three Armenians transporting Ava. Between K19 and the agency, they numbered eight. With Raketa, they were equal. Razor wasn’t convinced yet that she could be trusted. It would be up to Gunner to change his mind.

“Hey, Raze,” said Gunner when he approached the stakeout area. The two men embraced and patted each other’s backs. “Did Dutch brief you on your way in?”

“Affirmative,” answered Razor.

Under different circumstances, Dutch and Striker could have gone in and gotten Aine and the other two girls out already, even outnumbered two to one. However, if they had, the men who had Ava wouldn’t bring her here, and finding her would be close to impossible.

“Any idea what the girls’ condition is?” Razor asked.

“All three are actively moving around,” Dutch reported.

“Gunner, got a minute?”

“Yep,” he said, walking away from the others.

“Where are Striker and Raketa positioned?”

Gunner used a stick to draw an outline in the dirt and then pointed to different places along a circle’s perimeter. “Here and here,” he said. “We’ll send Dutch and Monk out to join them. I want Onyx to stick with us and Alegria to go switch places with Raketa.”

“Why? Isn’t Raketa a better sniper than Alegria?”

“She messaged that she heard chatter about Petrov.”

Razor nodded. “Do you think that’s why she’s really here?”

“It’s definitely crossed my mind more than once.”

“What happens after she gets him?”

“Can’t answer that.”

“What about the Armenians? Any chance she’s working with them?”

Gunner shrugged.

There was always a chance that any member of a crew could’ve been turned and had infiltrated a unit, however, with Ivashov’s connections, former or otherwise, that risk was exponentially greater.

Razor took a second look at where Dutch, Striker, Alegria, and Monk had been deployed to sniping positions. He and Gunner would be first entry, with Raketa their only backup.

“Do you trust her?” Razor asked.

Gunner nodded. “As far as I can throw her.”

Within moments, the Russian operative joined them.

“Razor,” she said, trilling the Rs on either end of his name in her Russian accent.