What was she supposed to do now? She couldn’t ignore her. Ava walked over to the door, unlocked it, and held it open for Razor’s sister.

“Okay for me to come in? I come bearing gifts of clothing.”

Ava smiled. “As long as Razor isn’t with you, it is.”

Saylor laughed. “Oh boy, he is in trouble.”

Ava sat down on the bed. “I feel terrible about hiding out in here, but he made me so mad.”

“Can I ask what he did?”

“He lied to me.”

Saylor nodded. “I told him that’s why you were pissed.”

“Are the girls with you?”

Saylor nodded. “So is my mom.”

“Oh, God. Does she think I’m the rudest person ever?”

“Nah. She took the girls down to the lake so I could straighten out my baby brother. They’ll be back up soon.”

“How did you get my clothes?” Ava asked when she opened the duffel bag.

“That hotter-than-all-get-out Monk left them for me at a secret location in town. God, I feel like a spy myself. It’s pretty cool.”

“Would you mind if I changed?” Ava asked, looking down at her sweaty, dirty t-shirt and shorts.

“Go right ahead, I’ll hold the wolves at bay.”

“The wolves?”

“My girls have talked about little else but ‘Aunt Ava’ since the day they met you. I don’t know why they started calling you their aunt. I hope it doesn’t bother you.”

“No, it doesn’t.” Ava actually thought it was sweet.

“They’re convinced that Razor is going to ask you to marry him, and you are going to ask them to be flower girls in your wedding.”

Ava smiled when Saylor rolled her eyes.

“I may be way overstepping, but you do know he’s in love with you, right?”

Ava took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Did he tell you to say that?”

“Good God, no. I saw it straight away. He’s head over heels, girlfriend.”

Ava shrugged.

“And you love him too.”

“It’s crazy, but I do,” Ava murmured.

Tabon knocked and then slowly opened the door. “Can I come in?”

Saylor looked at Ava, who nodded.

“I’ll be able to hold them off for ten minutes tops. If you’re going to change, do it now.” Saylor slipped out the door and closed it behind her.