Marquess Thornton “Shiver” Whittaker was one of the best operatives, not just in MI6, but in all of the UK. After Dutch, he’d be the second person Razor would want to partner with K19.

“What have you heard from Seattle?”

“My understanding is Gunner is meeting with Raketa now.”


“That was her condition.”

If this was a trap and anything happened to Gunner, Razor would personally hunt down Raketa Ivashov and kill her with his bare hands.

“Anything else I should know?”

“I’d get ready to move again.”

Razor had already begun thinking about it. Without knowing where Petrov was headed, it would be best if they didn’t stay in one place very long.


When she rolled over and reached for Razor, Ava found the other side of the bed empty and cold, which meant he had to have been gone for some time.

She looked around for something to put on and realized she’d left her suitcase in the other room. It only took two tries before she found the dresser drawer where Tabon kept his t-shirts. Grabbing the one on top, she thought about looking for the panties she’d taken off before her shower, but since Razor’s shirt came almost to her knees, she didn’t bother.

Padding out to the main room of the house, she didn’t see or hear him. Guessing he was downstairs in his office, Ava pulled one of the kitchen barstools over near the windows and looked out at the moonlight’s reflection on the water.

“What are you thinking about?” Tabon asked, coming up behind her and resting his hands on her shoulders.

“My sister. I just feel so…too many things to put into words. I feel guilty, and I’m terrified for her, especially knowing that I was who they were after, but they got her instead. I’m so scared, Tabon.”

“I know, sweetheart. I wish I had more to tell you, but at this point, all I know is that Gunner and the rest of the team are doing everything they can to get her and your two friends back safe and sound.”

“She and I have never really been apart. I mean, there were times when we were, but there’s never been a time when I couldn’t talk to her if I wanted to, and vice versa.”

“You can still talk to her, and if you stop and listen, I bet you’ll hear her answer.”

“Is that what you did with Doc?”

“Every day. He and I served together for years before we retired to start K19. He’s like a brother to me.”

Ava leaned back into Tabon’s arms, loving how they felt around her. There hadn’t been another time in her life when she felt as safe as she did with him. Not that she’d ever thought much about her safety.

“Quinn told me this is how Mercer makes her feel.”

She felt Tabon nod his head.

“Let’s go back to bed, Avarie.” Tabon kissed her neck and down to her shoulder.

“Make me forget, Tabon. Even for just a little while.”


“Please, Tabon.”

He held her hand in his, led her back to his bedroom, and closed the door behind them.

There was enough light in the room that she could see his eyes as he backed her up until her knees touched the edge of the mattress.

He grasped the hem of his shirt, pulled it over her head, and then ran his hands down her nakedness.