If anyone had ever asked if she believed in love at first sight, Ava would’ve scoffed at the idea.

Now, she knew better. She’d loved Tabon Sharp since she first laid eyes on him. She didn’t care if no one believed her—except him, when, one day, she finally got the nerve to tell him.

They sat and watched the sun as it set on the water, and counted the number of times they spotted whales. Soon her eyes were drifting closed.

“Come on, baby,” he said, taking her hand. “Let’s get you into bed.”

She let him lead her into the bedroom, and stood still as he unzipped her jeans, pulled them off with her panties, and then pulled the sweatshirt over her head. Next, he unfastened her bra. He pulled back the covers, and she crawled between sheets that felt so soft against her skin.

“I like your bed, Tabon.”

He smiled. “My bed likes you too. Almost as much as I do.”

He crawled in and wrapped his arm around her, drawing her close so her head rested on his chest.

“Sleep, baby,” he whispered, stroking the skin on her back.

Could she? A few minutes ago, she doubted sleep would come. Now, she couldn’t keep her eyes open.


“Yes, Avarie?”

“Will Gunner get my sister back? Pen and Tara too?”

“Yes, he will. I promise.”

For a moment Ava considered cautioning him not to make promises he couldn’t keep, but this one, she really needed him to.


Razor couldn’t toss or turn, or even get up to get a glass of milk. He could, but he wouldn’t, not with Ava asleep in his arms.

He’d probably be asleep too if he hadn’t made her a promise that Gunner would rescue Aine, Penelope, and Tara. Yes, he believed he would. Razor had complete faith in him and the rest of the team they’d assembled. He’d just feel a hell of a lot better if he heard something.

When his phone pinged and also vibrated on the bedside table, Razor almost jumped out of the bed, trying to silence it before it woke Ava.

Thankfully, when he’d moved, she had too, rolling over to the other side of the bed. He’d roll with her, and spoon her from behind, once he checked his messages.

Intel indicates Petrov on the move.



Fuck. Razor slipped out of the bed and closed the bedroom door behind him.

“I was hoping you’d respond sometime tonight,” said Doc when he ans

wered Razor’s call.

“It was less than five minutes, asshole.”

“How’s Ava?”

“Shaky at best. Thankfully, asleep.”

“Merrigan got the intel from MI6. Shiv is also on his way.”