“Do you trust her?” asked Doc.

Razor understood Doc’s question. It was something they all had to consider. Was Ivashov setting a trap for K19? Was UR in on the search for Petrov?

“Let’s talk about Petrov for a minute. When’s the last time he was spotted?” asked Merrigan.

“The wedding,” answered Gunner. “He got on a plane, allegedly, and no one’s seen or heard anything from him since.”

“With both his daughters avoiding contact with him, there’d be no one to report anything different,” said Doc.

“Except he never got off the flight. I doubt he was on it in the first place.”

That meant he could still be in California. The idea made Razor’s skin crawl. At least both of his daughters were no longer there. However, he could very well have been on their tails. The only thing Petrov couldn’t know, was where either had traveled once they boarded K19’s aircraft.

“Let’s get back to Ivashov,” said Doc.

“At the minimum, Gunner needs to meet with her. In the meantime, I’ll follow up with MI6 to see if they’ve received further intel on her possible defection.”

“Thanks, Fatale,” said Razor.

“What’s next, Gunner?”

“The plane is at Wakonda now. The only question is who goes?”

“Razor?” asked Doc.

He’d never been so torn about an assignment. He wanted to get on that plane with Gunner just as much as he wanted to stay here with Ava. If Raketa’s intel was correct, the Armenians had already realized they had the wrong twin, and would soon be on the hunt for the right one.

It wasn’t just the Armenians Razor was worried about. Between her and her former boyfriend, Ava could bring her father’s entire organization down, even though she had no idea that’s what she’d be doing.

His original assignment had been to keep her safe until she could testify. Sure, it had become much more than that to Razor, but that wasn’t part of this conversation.

Even if they were able to find Petrov and neutralize him, which in Razor’s mind meant assassination, Ava’s safety wouldn’t be guaranteed until they took his entire organization and the Armenians down.

“Send Monk, and whoever else we can mobilize.”

“Onyx and Alegria are already here with the plane, obviously. Add me and Monk,” said Gunner. “Who else?”

“I just received word that Striker and Dutch are both on their way,” answered Doc.

Dutch Miller was one of the absolute best operatives employed by the agency. If Razor had a personal short list of who would join K19’s team, Dutch would be at the top. Knowing he was with Striker, made Razor’s decision even easier.

“I’ll work on getting backup for you, Raze,” Doc added. “I think it would be best for Gunner to head out and leave Monk behind for the time being.”

“Roger that.”

The only question that remained to be answered in the short term was what and how much he should tell Ava. He didn’t need to ask the other three people in the conversation their opinions. Razor knew they’d say she didn’t need to know any of it.

There was one thing Razor knew that they didn’t, however. Ava had the means to contact Aine. If she did, which he expected she had already tried, how long would it be before she panicked about her sister not answering?

“Is that it for now, gentlemen?” asked Doc.

Both men answered in the affirmative and disconnected the call.

“Can I ask you something?” Razor said to Gunner.

“How much to tell her?”

Razor nodded. “There’s more, though.”