Razor shook his head when she went inside. Had it ever been so easy with any other woman? He hadn’t had a long-term relationship pretty much ever. The last he could remember was in high school.

It wasn’t just that Ava was beautiful, or that her body brought him to his knees, she was funny, and smart, and definitely outpaced him on their run.

“What’s next?” she asked, setting his water in front of him.

“Come here.”

“I am here.”

“Closer,” he said, catching her arm. “Right here,” he added, pointing to his lap.

“Tabon…I’m all sweaty.”

“So am I.” He pulled her down on his la

p and nuzzled her neck. “Do you have any idea how unbelievably sexy your ass is in those shorts? For ten whole miles, you and those shorts tortured me.”

“How can I make it up to you?”

“That is a very open-ended question, Avarie.”

She nodded, smiling.

“It hasn’t been that many hours since you told me you couldn’t have sex with me.”

“I told you once before that I change my mind a lot.”

Razor pulled back and looked into her eyes. “I want you out of those shorts.”

When Ava got off of his lap, he expected her to lecture him, or turn him down, or ignore him. Instead, she took his hand.

“Let’s go inside,” she murmured, her voice husky with desire.

Razor picked her up. “Put your legs around me, baby.”

When she did, he tilted his head, angling to claim her mouth.

“Tabon—” she sighed.

His mouth slammed into hers when she flattened her palms against his chest. Instead of pushing for him to let her go, she fisted his shirt, keeping him as close to her as she could.

Her whimpers and mewls would be Razor’s undoing. As much as he wanted to take it slow, he couldn’t. He thrust his tongue past her lips, inhaling her passion as she kissed him back.

Holding her tight, he climbed the stairs with her in his arms. Razor kicked open his bedroom door, laid her on his bed, and settled by her side.

“Tabon,” she said for the second time, which made him pause.

“Talk to me, Ava. Tell me what you need, what you want.”

“I don’t want you to have so many clothes on.”

“Not a problem.” Razor stood.

“Let me,” she said, rolling off the bed to stand in front of him.

Razor didn’t remember a woman ever undressing him while she remained fully clothed, but he was happy to let Ava be the first—and the last if he had his way.

First, she pulled his t-shirt up and over his head. Her hands rested on the waistband of his shorts, and her eyes met his.