“And you let her?”

“I do have eyes on them.”

“What’s your twenty?”

Alegria gave him the coordinates of their current location. They were headed south on the highway, so it wouldn’t be long before they drove by Harmony.

“Change of plans,” he said when Gunner answered his call. “Ava is on the move.”

“Roger that. Does Alegria have her covered?”

“Yes, but an unknown driver picked her up at the house roughly fifteen minutes ago.”

“I’m right behind you,” Gunner told him.

Razor watched Ava’s movements on the app, ready to pull onto the highway as soon as they passed by.

He looked in his rear-view mirror and saw Gunner on Mercer’s Ducati.

They’d been following the car Ava was in for twenty minutes. She appeared to be the sole occupant other than the driver. If he had to guess, he’d predict she was on her way to the airport.

He pressed the call button on his vehicle’s steering wheel, and asked the computerized assistant to connect him to Doc.

“See if Ava is booked on any flights out of SLO,” he said.

“Merrigan’s thoughts as well when we saw she was on the move. She is, and it leaves for JFK in a little over an hour.”

“Traveling alone?”

“Appears that way.”

“Thank Fatale for me,” Razor said before disconnecting the call.

Ava was sneaking home, by herself, without as much as a word to him. Why?

She’d seemed miffed at him when they went to the grocery store last night, but he had no idea why she’d done such an about-face. One minute she was telling him she wanted to feel him pulsing inside her, the next she announced she wanted to go to bed alone.

Razor hit the call button on the steering wheel a second time, and asked to be connected to Aine McNamara.

“I’d ask how you got my number, but I supposed you can get that kind of information fairly easily,” she said.

“Why did your sister leave?”

“Getting right to the point.”

“Yep. Help me out here, Aine. What the hell happened?”

He heard her snicker, and mumble something unintelligible.

“What’s that?”

“She saw a woman going into your place this morning.”

He’d ask what she’d been doing up at that hour, but then he’d only sound guilty.

“She works for me.”

“TMI, Razor.”