“You know it, baby.”

“There isn’t enough room for all of us to go,” said Tara. “I’ll stay here.”

“So will I,” said Pen.

“There isn’t any reason for me to go either,” added Aine.

“I guess they figured we want to be alone,” he said once the front door closed behind them.

“I’m just glad it wasn’t obvious,” she said, rolling her eyes. “But…”

“Go on,” he said, holding up the passenger door for her.

“I got the impression you wanted to talk to Gunner.”

“No big deal. We can chat when I get back.”


Ava raised her eyebrow and got in the car. He was lying to her again; she was sure of it. She caught a glimpse of the way his face looked when he wasn’t telling her the truth, and she didn’t like it.

“Everything okay?” he asked when he got in the other side of the car.

“Yep,” she answered, not looking at him.

“What just happened?”

‘Nothing. Let’s just go to the store. I’m tired, and I’d like to get to bed.”

“I’m all for that.”

“Alone, Razor.”

“I see.”

He was as quiet as she was as they drove to the market. She grabbed a cart when they walked in.

“You can go get whatever it was you needed to pick up,” she said, hurrying away from him. She saw him shake his head, but instead of walking away, he followed.

“I’m serious, I don’t need help grocery shopping.”

“That’s clear. I’ll tag along anyway.”

His voice was as clipped as Ava was sure hers was. If he didn’t like her attitude, he should refrain from lying to her.

“I thought Gunner was leaving,” she said as they waited in the checkout line.

“He is. Although, I’m sure, given the circumstances, he’ll stay the night at my place.”

She shrugged and took out her wallet when the cashier gave them the total. Razor covered her hand with his.

“I’ve got this,” he said, putting a debit card in the keypad.

“That isn’t necessary. I can pay for my own food.”

“Yes, I’m aware. However, you’re my guest and I insist.”

When they returned to the house, Razor suggested Ava go in ahead of him, and offered to bring the bags in on his own. She almost told him she could help, but changed her mind. She was still pissed that he wasn’t being forthcoming with her, and if that was the game he wanted to play, he’d be doing it solo.