Tabon leaned forward and brushed her forehead with his lips. “I’m so glad,” he murmured. “I have another suggestion.”

“Here we go.”

Tabon laughed.

“How about if I take the drinks out to your father and sister while you spend a couple of minutes with your mom. That way she won’t wonder why you ran off so fast.”

“She’s probably too drunk to notice,” she mumbled.

Tabon leaned forward again. “You may be right, but if you do as I suggest, you’ll be more apt to avoid a possible confrontation.”

Ava nodded. “Thank you.”

He kept his hand on the small of her back as they waited for the bartender to make their drinks.

“Are you sure you can take all three?” she asked, since he’d ordered one too.

“No problem. I got this.”

“I won’t be far behind. If she thinks I’m with you, she won’t want to keep me.”

Tabon brushed her forehead with his lips a second time. “You are with me.”


Razor had no trouble juggling the two gin and tonics since Aine had ordered a glass of wine. He slipped his sunglasses on, picked up the drinks, and followed Ava over to where her mother sat.

“Hey, Mom. I just came to say goodbye.”


“Sorry. I mean, Peggy. Anyway, Tabon and I were just leaving.”

“I’ll be outside, sweetheart. I’ll see you in a minute,” Tabon said, motioning with his head in that direction.

Ava nodded, and Razor walked toward the door.

His suggestion that he take the drinks out to her sister and father wasn’t exactly selfless. It would give him an opportunity to talk with her father when he was least expecting it.

“Hello, Aine,” he said, approaching them. He handed her the glass of wine, and then turned to her father who had been sitting with his back turned when Razor approached.

“Hello, sir,” he said. “You must be Mr. McNamara. Tabon Sharp, I was one of the groomsmen, and I believe this is yours.”

The man stood, Razor handed him the drink, and they shook hands.

“Nice to meet you. Where is Ava?”

“Dad, I have to be honest with you. We didn’t want you to go inside because Mom is in there.”

“I see,” he said, brushing his finger over his upper and lower lip and studying Razor.

“She shouldn’t be long. I think she was going to say goodbye and that’s it,” Razor told him.

McNamara nodded; his eyes hadn’t left Razor’s face.

“Who are you again?” he asked.

“Dad, he’s one of the groomsmen. He and Mercer—”