“There is no question that Razor is a player.”

“That may be true,” murmured Aine, whose eyes met Ava’s. “But Tabon isn’t.”


“Before I call him, I want to go say goodbye to Mom and Dad,” Ava told her sister.

“Where are they?” Aine asked.

“I have no idea. I’ll call Dad. You call Mom, I mean, Peggy.”

Aine rolled her eyes. “I always get stuck with Peggy.”

“Dad is heading to the bar,” Ava said after she disconnected the call.

“Mom is in the bar.”

“Oh, no,” they said at the same time, hurrying in that direction and hoping to waylay their father before both of their parents made some kind of scene.

“There he is,” said Aine, pointing.

“Thank God,” said Ava.

“Hey, Daddy,” Aine said, catching up with him first.

“There’s my other beautiful girl. I was wondering if I was going to get to spend some time with you today.”

He turned to Ava. “And you too, Ava, what a treat!”

“Where’s Kelly?” Aine asked.

“Napping,” said their father, rolling his eyes. “Too much sun or something. I was on my way inside to get a gin and tonic.”

“It’s such a beautiful afternoon; let’s sit outside,” Ava suggested.

“If there’s an outdoor bar, that’ll work,” he responded.

“Hmm, I haven’t seen one, but tell you what, I’ll go get us all something to drink and bring it out.”

“Perfect,” their father said, pulling out his wallet.

“I got it, Daddy,” said Ava, heading inside, and instead, bumping straight into a wall of hard-as-rock muscle.

“Whoa, where are you hurrying off to?” asked Tabon, putting a hand on each of her arms.

“Um…to get some drinks for…um, our dad.” She motioned with her head to where he sat with her sister.

“I see. I’m guessing you know your mother is inside.”

Ava nodded.

“I’ll walk you in.”

“That’s okay. I can handle it.”

Tabon raised an eyebrow. “I’ll help. By the way, what did the girls decide?”

“We’re in,” she said, waving at her mother and Paul before going up to the bar.