“What evidence do you have?” Razor asked.

“Only that McNamara was listed on a flight manifest, travel

ing one way from Dublin to New York City, within a few months after Petrov was reported dead. Prior to marrying the twins’ mother, McNamara had no family who might’ve reported him missing.”

“I meant that McNamara is really Petrov.”

“We don’t, but we hope to very soon.”


Striker held up a bag containing a toothbrush. “DNA.”

“How’d you get that?”


Razor shook his head. “Do you already have Petrov’s?”

“MI6 does,” answered Merrigan.

Razor turned back to Striker. “What’s the plan? Why’d you come to us?”

“It’s a close-cover assignment,” he answered.

“Got anybody in mind?”

“You know I do, Razor.”

“Why me?”

“Because we believe Ava McNamara would be open to a…relationship with you.”

“No, I won’t allow it,” said Doc. “It isn’t how our team operates.”

Striker raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t realize you alone called the shots,” he said, looking first at Doc and then at him.


“I’m in,” he answered, refusing to look at anyone seated at the table before he walked out.

“You sure about this?” Gunner asked, following him outside.

“Yeah. I’m sure.”

“It means lying to her.”

Yeah, he knew that. There was no way Ava would go along with witness protection unless she knew the full story, which at this point, he couldn’t tell her. Until they could prove her father wasn’t who he said he was, and could bring him down, Ava would have to be kept in the dark.

“No,” said Doc, joining them outside. “As I told Striker, I won’t allow it.”

“And as Striker said, it isn’t your decision, Doc.”

“You’re telling me that your intention is to seduce my daughter’s best friend, and pretend to be involved with her for God knows how long? Are you out of your mind?”

“Who says I’d be pretending?” Razor walked away.

He knew Doc wanted to follow him. He also knew Gunner wouldn’t let him.