“Neither is the other one.”

Razor laughed. “You have one hundred percent control of the guest list.”

“You two need to get going,” Saylor said, poking him.

“Okay. Where?”

“Marriage license?”

Razor shrugged. “What the hell do I know? I’ve never done this before.”

“And you never will again,” said Ava, kissing his cheek.

“Sure as hell won’t.”


“Are you sure you don’t want to pick out your own dress?” Tabon asked on their way to the courthouse.

“Whatever Aine picks out will be fine.”

“Okay,” he said as though he didn’t believe her, but it was the truth.

She’d given it a lot of thought when her mother asked if this was really the type of wedding she wanted. When Tabon told her they could elope if she wanted to, and then took her to the window and told her they could just get married on the beach with her best friends and his, it sounded so perfect to her that she couldn’t imagine doing it any other way.

Ava didn’t even care whether they had food or a cake, but agreed to let Tabon’s mother and sister handle it any way they wanted to when they asked if they could.

“What about me? Am I supposed to wear something…specific?”

“I’ve seen your closet; you have plenty to choose from. But to answer your question, I was thinking shorts and Hawaiian-type shirts might be nice.”

“Let me guess, someone is getting those for us?”

Ava nodded. “Doc and Merrigan are in charge of that.”

“How did things go with your mom?” Tabon asked when they pulled into the parking lot.

“Great, actually. Although…I have news.”


“She kind of wants to live here.”

“Kind of?”

“As long as you’re okay with it.”

Tabon’s eyes opened wide. “With us?”

“Good God, no.” Ava started laughing. “The look on your face, though…even Aine doesn’t want to actually live with her.”

“Is Aine thinking of living here too?”



When they rounded the corner to go into the building, Razor pulled Ava into an alcove.