“Whether there are rules about partners getting involved with other partners’ family members.”

“This ain’t the agency,” said Razor, slapping Monk on the back. “The only rules we have are, try your damnedest to stay alive while, at the same time, making sure your teammates do too.”

“Then I’m in.”

Razor walked into the bedroom where he had a better view of the beach itself. From there he could see where Ava was sitting on the sand next to her mother. The two were head-to-head enough that he decided not to interrupt them. Instead, he walked out to the deck where the steps from the beach led, and sat in the sun.

It had been close to fifteen years since he’d felt as at peace as he was today, and even then, he wasn’t certain that he’d ever felt as whole.

“Hello, Peggy,” Razor said when the two came up the steps. “You look great,” he said, kissing her cheek.

“Thanks. I feel great too.”

“Hey, baby,” he said to Ava, hugging her.

“I’m glad you’re back. Peggy and I want to talk to you about something.”


“Who?” asked Ava’s mother.

“Sorry, Mom and I want to talk to you. Aine should be here shortly, along with Pen and Tara.”

Razor wondered if anyone had told them yet that they’d be permitted to leave whenever they wanted to. And if they had, how Ava would feel about them doing so.

“Should we wait?” he asked.

Ava shook her head. “Mom and I think that you and I should get married tomorrow. Oh, and your mom and Saylor are good with it too.”

He was stunned, but tried not to look like he was. He was all for it. The sooner the better as far as he was concerned.

“What about a dress?” he asked.

“I told my mother you would ask that. You’re always so worried about what I’m wearing. Anyway, there’s a dress shop in Newport. I looked online, and they have a lot of cute things.”

“It doesn’t have to be a traditional wedding dress, Razor,” said Peggy. “You’re getting married on the beach.”

Razor laughed. “You’re right.” Evidently, Ava’s mother wasn’t pushing for an “extravagant and embarrassing affair.”

“So?” asked Ava.

“Oh, are you waiting for me? Yes. I’m all in.”

“I was thinking since everyone is here…Quinn asked Mercer to talk to Gunner and Doc, and they’re okay with it.”

He sat in one of the deck chairs and pulled Ava down on his lap. “I think it’s a great idea.”

“Thank God,” said Saylor, walking out to the deck. “I don’t know how much longer I can keep the girls from wearing their dresses.”

“We went ahead and had flower girl dresses made for them,” Ava explained.

“Hey, Sis,” said Razor when she leaned down to kiss first his cheek, and then Ava’s.

“Get this,” said Saylor, chuckling. “Mom asked Andie if she’d make a cake.”

Ava gave him a stern look. “She isn’t invited.”

“You’ll get no argument from me.”