“To be honest, I’ve talked to both of them.”

Would it be terrible of her to say she wished he’d let her talk to Quinn too? She just missed her so much.

“What?” he said again.


“You’re mad you didn’t get to talk to Quinn.”

“I’m not mad.”

“You’re not going to start calling me Razor?”

Ava swatted at him. “No, but I do miss her. Maybe next time, I could talk to her too.”

“Yeah, I can arrange that.”

Tabon picked up his phone. “As much as I’d rather stay in bed naked with you for the rest of the day, we need to get dressed, baby.”

“Right, your sister is coming over with the girls.”

“That’s right.”


“Now,” he mouthed to his sister who was sitting facing him.

She and Ava, who had her back to him, were head-to-head looking at what he guessed were flower girl dresses.

“Do you know where Razor might have a tape measure?” he heard Saylor ask her.

“Maybe in his office.”

“Can you go look?”

Razor peeked around the corner and saw the look of confusion on Ava’s face, and then heard her say, “Uh, sure.”

“Perfect,” he whispered, coming around the corner to open the front door. He kissed Quinn’s cheek when she stepped inside.

“Hi,” she smiled and whispered back. “Over there?” She pointed to where Saylor sat at the bar.

Razor nodded and went outside, closing the door behind him.

“How the hell are you?” Mercer asked.

“Crazy in love, and thankfully, not dead.”

“I heard you came pretty damn close.”

“Yeah, but I’m a superhero.”

“That’s what I always say about you.” Mercer clasped his shoulder. ?

??Seriously, I’m glad you’re okay, and I’m sorry I wasn’t here to help.”

“Do you think for one minute that if you get into trouble, I’ll come back from my honeymoon to help you?”

Mercer laughed and shook his head. “Nope.”