She sat down in the chair by his bed. “Okay.”

Tabon tried to sit up and winced. “Shit.”

“Jeez. Let me raise the bed.”

“I gotta warn you, I’m not a good patient.”

“That surprises me,” she deadpanned.

“Come here, woman.” He grabbed her around her waist.

“Don’t, you’ll hurt yourself,” she said, but was giggling at the same time.

“I love you, Avarie.”

“Is that what you wanted to chat with me about, because I already knew that. Saylor told me.”

“I wish it were.”

Ava sat back down, knowing full well that what he had to say was nothing to joke about.

“Go ahead,” she said.

“Your father.”

Ava nodded. “Who is he, Tabon?”

When he finished telling her what they’d suspected and confirmed about her dad, she felt sick to her stomach.

“What about my mom? Is she involved?” she asked.

“We don’t have any proof indicating she is or was. She has her own detail, not that she knows it.”

“Do you think she’s in danger?”

Tabon shook his head. “No, but we aren’t taking any chances. Not with any of you.”

“What does that mean?”

“We’ll have a lot of company, around the clock. Not just Monk, but others.”

“That woman?”

Tabon smiled. “How many times do I have to tell you that I didn’t have sex with Alegria?”

“Not because she didn’t want to.”

“You better not let Onyx hear you say that.”


“No. I’m kidding. At least I think I’m kidding. You know what? I really don’t care. My primary concern right now is your safety.”

“What about my sister?”

“Aine, Penelope, and Tara won’t be alone either.”

“Have that woman watch them.”