“She is now.”


“Striker, Dutch, Onyx, Alegria, Monk, Doc, and Fatale are all here. Fatale is here more as the mother hen, but I can guarantee you she’s armed. Plus me, and Shiv is on his way with two more from MI6.”

“Shit. All the big guns.”

“There ain’t no one gettin’ to Ava McNamara, her sister, or the two other ones.”

r />

“The two other ones? You don’t even know their names? Wasn’t it a week ago that you were ready to…how’d you put it?”

“Don’t remind me. And yeah, I know their first, middle, and last names, their damn social security numbers, and all other kinds of shit I shouldn’t know.”

Razor laughed and then winced.

“What did I miss?”

“Avarie was pissed at me about somethin’ and asked if I knew her bra size and when she had her last menstrual cycle.”


“I told her I didn’t but I knew when she lost her virginity.”

“How are you still alive?”

“I’m charming.”

“I don’t think it’s that.”

Razor smiled, but then got more serious. “She loves me.”

“Wouldn’t take a former CIA agent to figure that out.”

“I’m gonna ask her to marry me.”

“Wouldn’t take an agent to figure that out either.”

“You know what this means, don’t you, Gunner?”

His friend nodded. “We have to find Petrov and annihilate him.”

“As soon as possible.”

“Who should I take?”

“Dutch and Shiv, plus whoever Shiver brings with him, but ask Striker to bring in a few more. If you think we need it, ask Merrigan to contact MI6.”

“Roger that.” Gunner got up to walk out. “I sure am glad you’re okay, Tabon.”

Razor smiled. “Nobody calls me that but her.”

“Yeah, yeah.”


“We need to chat,” Tabon said to her when Ava talked the nurse into letting her go upstairs and have breakfast with him.