They looked comfortable. Smiling, chatting, and dammit if that didn’t make him miserable.

“I heard that,” said Penelope.


“You just growled.”

Razor laughed out loud. “Did I really?”

She nodded. “A girl knows when you aren’t paying the slightest bit of attention to her. She also knows when you are, even if you’re dancing with someone else.”

“Sorry.” Razor focused his attention on the woman in his arms instead of the woman who wasn’t, at least until he saw Ava and Hudson leave the dance floor and his arm around her waist as he led her into the gardens.


Ava took a quick peek over her shoulder and saw Tabon’s gaze follow them as Hudson led her away.

“It’s really beautiful here,” she heard him say.

“It is. Did you know this is where Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh were married?”


“You know, Laurence…never mind.” There was no sense in repeating the names; it was obvious Hudson had no idea who she was talking about.

“You sail, right?” he asked, walking up the steps to a gazebo with a view of the Pacific Ocean.

She nodded. “Raced an F3 when I was in college.”


“And you?”

“Yeah. Raced all my life.”

Good Lord, this was painful. Mercer’s brother was sweet, but neither brother was an engaging conversationalist. She turned to suggest they go back to the reception, when he pounced.

Before she realized what was happening, he had his arm around her waist, holding her far too tightly, and his tongue was fighting its way into her mouth.

“Hudson, no,” she said, trying to get away from him, but he wouldn’t relent. She put her hands on his chest and pushed as hard as he could, but he was rock solid.

“You heard the lady say no, asshole.”

“Hey, Raze, no harm,” Hudson said, backing away from her with his hands in the air.

Ava watched as Tabon got in Hudson’s face and let him know what happens to men who don’t listen when a woman says she isn’t interested.

“I’m not going to spoil your brother’s d

ay with this, but if I find out you’ve ever disrespected a woman—any woman—again, you’ll deal with the full force of K19.”

Disrespected. That word resonated with Ava, and not in a good way. Hudson had forced himself on her, but Tabon had disrespected her too when he switched his seat. She walked down the steps, murmuring her thanks, but not at all interested in either of the apologies they were trying to offer.

“Hey, Mom…I mean…Peggy,” she said, joining her mother and sister. “Where’s Paul?”

“He went to get me another drink.”

Great, just what her mother didn’t need. It was only one in the afternoon, and she already looked half in the bag.