He stood up, hissing briefly as he straightened his leg. Avoiding her eyes, he set about buttoning his shirt. ‘Those marks on your shoulder say otherwise.’ He looked back at her, cursing under his breath. ‘Don’t worry. I won’t let it happen again.’

Dani frowned, realising that was the opposite of what she wanted. She had been surprised to wake up to find him in bed beside her, but it had been the kind of surprise that sent shivers down your spine, not fear. She had worried that he might be able to sense her response to having him there with her, but stopped now she saw the familiar look of detachment cover his handsome features.

She could understand him being angry, and possibly embarrassed by whatever she had witnessed, but the complete blankness that had descended over him made her grip the blanket tighter across her chest.

‘You’ll join me for breakfast on the terrace.’ He avoided her eyes, and his words were more of a command than an invitation. ‘I’ll leave you to...get dressed.’

His movements were stilted, the injury in his leg more pronounced as he stalked over to the doorway and disappeared without another word.


WHEN DANI EMERGED from her room, she was freshly showered and dressed for the office in one of her favourite dusky pink shirts, which she’d paired with form-fitting, lightly flared dove-grey trousers. The meeting wasn’t taking place until late afternoon, but she had some files to prepare and some facts to confirm. Valerio’s presence was only a small part of her attack plan. She never walked into anything without considering every possible angle, and today was going to be no different.

The housekeeper showed her out to an impressive marble dining terrace, bathed in golden morning sunshine and surrounded by creeping vines full of beautiful spring wild flowers. Valerio was drinking a steaming cup of coffee and staring blankly out at the hustle of Port Hercules below in the distance. His dark brow was furrowed when he turned to acknowledge her, standing to pull out a chair. She wasn’t used to such small, chivalrous gestures. It made her slightly uncomfortable. But she knew he’d been raised in Italian high society—it was likely just second nature.

She avoided his eyes, thanking his housekeeper with a wide smile when she appeared with a platter of fresh fruit and a fresh pot of water for tea before disappearing again.

‘I remember you don’t drink coffee.’ Valerio looked across at her, his eyes slits of stormy blue under his furrowed brow. ‘I’ve had a selection of teas ordered in. I don’t know if they’re any good.’

‘Thank you. That was very thoughtful.’

Dani felt a glow of warmth bloom in her chest, then instinctively pushed it away, remembering that she was trying to keep her guard up. But a small part of her whispered that Valerio had never been purposely unkind to her in the past—only indifferent. It wasn’t his fault that she’d been attracted to him. If he was trying to make a gesture of goodwill, she should accept it.

She made a show of admiring the fine bone china teapot and selected her favourite brand of English breakfast tea. They passed a few moments in companionable silence, with the buffer of the usual city sounds forming a background.

‘We need to discuss our living arrangements,’ he said, then waited a moment, frowning at her stunned silence. ‘I’m aware that you haven’t yet permanently occupied any of the homes that will form your inheritance. My villa is not the most convenient location, but it has a large study you can use for your consulting work.’

Dani felt something tighten in her throat as she looked down at the ring on her left hand. She had been so preoccupied with today’s meeting she’d foolishly thought they would just brush past the fact that they were now engaged to be married.

‘Valerio...we haven’t even talked about the logistics of this arrangement yet and you’re already saying you want me to move in here with you?’

‘Yes—as soon as possible.’ He looked away, his jaw tighter than steel. ‘Obviously we won’t share a bedroom, but living under one roof will be better for your safety as well as for keeping the appearance of a normal marriage.’

Dani marvelled at the utter madness of his words. ‘We both know that there is nothing “normal” about this marriage. But from a PR point of view, I suppose I agree.’ She sat back, running a finger along the filigree rim of her teacup. ‘I’ve still got a lease on my apartment in London, but that can be easily fixed. And I won’t need your study, as Velamar is my only priority for the time being.’

‘Good.’ He paused, meeting her eyes as he processed the end of her statement. ‘Wait...you’ve stopped taking on any independent clients? Why would you do that?’

‘It’s kind of hard to be the sole leader of a global brand and still find time to fly around the world on consulting contracts with unpredictable time frames.’ She squared her shoulders. ‘I made a conscious choice to focus on Velamar for my own reasons.’ She spoke with a clear edge to her tone. ‘Just as I will continue to do so now that I’m inheriting the responsibility.’

Valerio pinched the bridge of his nose sharply. ‘Dani, I didn’t think through leaving you the sole responsibility of Velamar while I was gone. You have to know I would never have allowed you to sacrifice your own career in order to step in for me.’

‘Well, then, it’s a good thing I didn’t need your permission, isn’t it?’ She cleared her throat, pouring more tea into her cup. ‘I’m not here to discuss my career decisions. Please can we just continue with the discussion at hand?’

For a moment he looked as though he fully intended to start an argument. But then he exhaled on a low growling sigh and braced two hands on the balcony ledge. ‘We will live here, then, for the time being. For obvious reasons, we will both need to remain unattached while this arrangement is in place. Will that be a problem?’

‘You’re the notorious womaniser.’ She raised one brow in challenge. ‘If anyone will struggle with discretion, it won’t be me.’

He seemed annoyed at her comment, his eyes darkening to a storm. ‘I’m not talking about my wife indulging in discreet affairs—I’m talking about you abstaining from them completely. Just as I will.’

She froze at his use of the word ‘wife,’ baffled at the sudden intensity in his gaze and the effect it was having on the knot in her stomach.

She hadn’t been trying to insult him—it was no secret that he liked to date a variety of beautiful women. He hadn’t been photographed with anyone since the accident, but likely he’d just been discreet. She seriously doubted that his name and the word ‘abstinence’ had ever been uttered in the same sentence.

‘Dani, you know how this needs to look to anyone who is watching. I wish that I could have found any other way...’

‘Yes, yes—I get it that you’re making a huge sacrifice by marrying me.’ She was surprised herself at her own flash of annoyance, and saw his eyes widen in response. Softening her voice a little, she avoided his curious gaze. ‘Fine. So I move my stuff in with you and there will be no sordid photographs in the press of me with a string of lovers. Understood.’

‘Good.’ He was still watching her, his strong, tanned fingers idly twirling a spoon through his second cup of espresso. ‘I’m glad we understand each other.’<