‘What is this surprise you’ve kept so secret?’ she murmured against his lips, smiling at the sound of cheers erupting behind them.

‘It’s not a surprise if I tell you first.’ He took her hand, helping her into the boat and getting behind the wheel. ‘We’ll only be away for a bit.’

She smiled as he manoeuvred them away from the sanctuary and along the river at a gentle speed. She placed her hand over his on the wheel, looking at the matching rings on their fingers and feeling herself smile even wider as the sun danced through the trees.

When he began to slow, she looked around.

‘I read about this place a long time ago.’ Duarte turned to face her. ‘Do you know where we are?’

She shook her head.

‘We’re at the meeting of the waters. It’s where two separate rivers finally meet and become one after running side by side for miles. Look down.’

He pointed to the river around them and Nora blinked. Sure enough, ahead of them the water seemed to cleave into two different shades. The dark, almost black waters of the Rio Negro ran seamlessly alongside the coffee colour of the Amazon before blending into one behind them.

They stood in silence for a moment, taking in the remarkable feat of nature.

‘I can’t believe I’ve never seen this before,’ she breathed.

‘Today has been perfect.’ Duarte turned and took her hands in his, gently sliding her wedding ring from her finger and holding it up to the light. ‘But I have one last surprise.’

She frowned, looking down at the inner circle of the ring. A soft gasp escaped her lips. Despite them having barely a week to plan their small civil ceremony, he’d somehow managed to have the platinum band engraved with the date and time of when they’d first met. The moment he’d asked her to dance and she’d lost her heart to him.

‘I wanted us to make our own vows here, because I feel like it symbolises everything I love about you. About us.’


p; ‘Darkness and light,’ Nora murmured, smiling as tears filled her eyes.

‘I love you, Nora Avelar.’ He slid the ring slowly back onto her finger, his eyes never leaving hers. ‘I love everything you have been through, and everything that makes you the woman you are today. I promise to love and honour you for the rest of our lives.’

Her hands shook as she removed Duarte’s ring and pressed it gently to her lips. ‘There’s nowhere else I could imagine making my vows to you than here on the water. This is beyond perfect.’

She slid the ring back onto his finger, smiling as she looked up into his brilliant golden eyes. ‘I promise to love and honour you, Duarte Avelar. Para sempre.’

‘Para sempre,’ he echoed, sweeping her into his arms to show her just how good for ever could feel.

Coming next month


Kate Hewitt

‘I judge on what I see,’ Fausto allowed as he captured her queen easily. She looked unfazed by the move, as if she’d expected it, although to Fausto’s eye it had seemed a most inexpert choice. ‘Doesn’t everyone do the same?’

‘Some people are more accepting than others.’

‘Is that a criticism?’

‘You seem cynical,’ Liza allowed.

‘I consider myself a realist,’ Fausto returned, and she laughed, a crystal-clear sound that seemed to reverberate through him like the ringing of a bell.

‘Isn’t that what every cynic says?’

‘And what are you? An optimist?’ He imbued the word with the necessary scepticism.

‘I’m a realist. I’ve learned to be.’ For a second she looked bleak, and Fausto realised he was curious.