‘Of course he did.’ Daniela rolled her eyes. ‘I bet he told you it was a practical solution too. I often wonder how a man can manage to run a multi-billion-dollar empire, with all its intricacies, and yet be utterly clueless when it comes to the workings of his own brain.’

r /> ‘It’s a rather complicated situation...’ Nora hedged.

‘With the Avelar family, it always is.’ Daniela laughed. ‘But if you do decide to marry him, I would be honoured to have you as my sister-in-law.’

Nora smiled, feeling some of her misery lift a little, despite herself.

Daniela walked over and laid a hand on the crib where Liam slept peacefully, taking a moment to gaze down at her infant nephew. Nora felt her heart swell a little, watching the obvious love this woman already had for a child she’d just met.

And as she sorted through the beautiful gowns, feeling the silk and the embroidered tulle, she wondered... Would it be so bad to be a part of their family?

Nora stood in front of the full-length mirror in her cabin, taking in the wondrous transformation Daniela’s styling team had achieved in just a few short hours. Her hair had been swept back from her face and made to sit in graceful waves over one shoulder. Smoky make-up had been expertly applied to enhance the colour of her eyes, and her lips had been painted a perfect nude pink that seemed to make the roses of her cheeks glow.

She’d selected a pale blue strapless gown that accentuated her narrow waist and skimmed over her stomach. The material was a gauzy silk, embroidered with tiny delicate flowers that had glittering diamonds in their centres. She hadn’t been quite brave enough to choose anything tight fitted, even though, at only seven weeks post-partum, her body had begun to feel normal again—if perhaps a little wider and less solid. This gown was comfortable, and light enough for the warm Florida evening, and the colour was perfect for her pale complexion.

She’d enjoyed every moment with Daniela, from selecting the colour for the polish on her now perfectly manicured nails to stepping into the expensive diamond-encrusted heels on her feet. For the first time in years she felt ultra-feminine and glamorous and...happy.

She had a small smile on her lips when Duarte appeared in the mirror behind her. He was impossibly handsome, in a simple black tuxedo with a pale blue handkerchief tucked into his pocket in exactly the same shade as the dress she wore.

‘You look amazing.’ He moved behind her, watching her in the mirror as he lowered his lips to press them lightly against her neck. ‘But there is just one thing missing.’

Nora watched as he revealed the small black box in his hand and held it in front of her. His eyes flicked up to hers in the mirror as he opened the box to reveal a stunning square-cut diamond ring that sparkled and played in the light.

‘Duarte...’ she breathed, feeling time slow and then spin around her as she turned to face him.

Her eyes were glued to the ring as he took it from the box and slid it onto the third finger of her left hand. It was stunning. It was the kind of ring any rational woman would dream of... And yet, when he slid it on and released her hand it felt cold and heavy on her finger.

She had told him she needed time. She had asked him to wait. He hadn’t answered when she’d asked if he’d considered her plans for the future.

When she forced herself to look up at him she saw his eyes glowed with triumph and happiness.

‘It fits.’ He smiled, pressing a kiss to her fingers.

She forced herself to smile back, not wanting to ruin the moment. They had made love last night and fallen asleep in one another’s arms; she knew they had more than just a passing attraction. It was only natural that he would assume he could introduce her as his fiancée, wasn’t it?

Unease swirled in her gut, ruining the easy delight she’d felt moments before.

But he was about to celebrate the biggest moment of his career, she rationalised. His sister was here, his best friend and other family members. She didn’t want to ruin this night for him, to cause him more pain. She had already hurt him so much with her poor choices in the past. He had said he wanted to be a family...maybe she owed him the chance?

The idea of a night of glamour suddenly seemed less appealing. The prospect of walking onto the entertaining deck on his arm and being introduced as his future wife was more than she could handle. She felt her insides shake, but steeled herself against the panic, telling herself to be grateful. To accept what he was offering and not dwell on what was missing between them.

Like trust...and love...

She closed her eyes and reached up to kiss him, hoping she would be able to get through the rest of the night without losing her composure completely.

Duarte was on edge. Maybe it was the single glass of champagne he’d allowed himself, or maybe it was the effect of having Nora by his side in that showstopping dress with his ring on her finger.

Every man on the yacht had turned to watch her when she’d arrived at the top of the steps. She always glowed with natural beauty, but after the added pampering and styling she bordered on ethereal. And yet no matter how much he’d tried to relax and enjoy the celebrations he knew something wasn’t right. On the surface Nora was calm, and gave him reassuring smiles in between shaking hands with the various acquaintances and business associates he introduced her to. But every now and then he caught her looking off into the distance, with the faintest glimmer of unhappiness in her eyes.

Daniela had looked after Liam while Nora was busy getting dressed and was yet to return him to his mother. Duarte met Valerio’s eyes across the crowded deck of the yacht and gave him a silent salute, wondering how long it would be before he was gifted with little nephews and nieces of his own.

A flurry of movement nearby caught his eye and he smiled as he saw Valerio’s parents and older brother arrive. He gestured to Nora to join him and soon he was embraced in the warmth and smiling faces of people who had been part of his extended family since he was a teenager.

Valerio’s mother Renata immediately took Liam in her arms and began crying, and when she saw the ring on Nora’s finger the tears started anew. The rest of the Marchesi men were more stoic, clapping him on the back and quietly offering parenting and marriage advice to both Duarte and Valerio.

‘He is very like Guilhermo,’ said Renata. She smiled, her face relaxed and serene as she looked down at the infant in her arms. ‘His name is fitting...’

‘I chose it in memory of Duarte’s father,’ Nora said quietly. ‘He hasn’t been christened yet, but his name will be Liam Duarte... Avelar.’