werful world, she had to get back in control of herself. The idea that she’d need to dress to fit in with her surroundings chafed, but she knew how these circles worked.

She looked at herself in the mirror, closing her eyes against the dream she’d harboured of a simple life in the quiet peace of her mother’s animal sanctuary. A life free of ridiculous rules and unwanted attention. A life free of deception and threats.

The more she thought of her mother’s choices, the more she understood. But she was not her mother. She knew what came from hiding your child away from the world. She would not make that same mistake.

Duarte was not going to allow his son to be raised away from the privileged life he led. So she would do well to stop fighting him. She would have to overcome her emotions and put them behind her so that they could find a way to co-exist.

They had to.

She would not fight, but she would still remind him that she was not weak. She was not going to be ordered around, held to ransom under the weight of his unending anger towards her. She would hold her head high and stand her ground. If there was one good thing she’d learned from living under the tyrannical rule of her despicable father it was how to put on a show of strength even when she felt like crumbling inside.

She would not crumble—not for anyone.

Duarte had just sat down at a table on the open-air deck to pour himself a cup of coffee when he heard heels on the steps. His hand froze on its way to his mouth as Nora emerged into the morning sunshine. She carried Liam in one arm and in the other one of the colourful cushioned mats Duarte had ordered. She unrolled the mat in a shaded corner near the seating area and laid the infant down gently. He immediately began kicking his legs.

She looked up and met Duarte’s gaze, a polite smile on her lips as she stood to her full height and walked over to the breakfast table.

His eyes devoured the jade-green dress she wore. Her long red hair was twisted into a neat coil at the base of her neck and he spotted the glint of delicate pearl earrings in her ears as she moved towards a seat and glanced back at Liam.

The serving staff arrived just as he moved to pull out her seat and he felt himself annoyed by their presence, by the pomp and glamour of the entire set-up in comparison with the simple days they’d spent at the beach house. Ornate dishes were being set out between them: fresh fruit platters and warm bread rolls, along with perfectly poached eggs in a creamy hollandaise sauce.

He tried not to watch her as she ate, his thoughts going over and over the events of the past few days.

‘You wanted to talk.’ She interrupted his thoughts, sitting back to dab her mouth delicately with her napkin once they’d both finished.

‘My sister and Valerio will be arriving today.’ Duarte sat back too, folding his hands on the table in front of him. ‘I haven’t told them about Liam yet.’

‘You want to keep us hidden?’ She clasped her hands together, pursing her lips slightly. ‘Until your paternity test comes back?’

‘There won’t be a test, Nora.’ He sat forward, running a hand along the length of his scar. ‘I was angry when I said I wanted proof. Anyone with eyes can see that he is my son.’

‘Well, that’s good, I suppose...’ She shrugged.

Duarte felt a flare of annoyance at this change in her. ‘You suppose?’

‘I told you that you are his father, that there is no doubt. But I understand why you wouldn’t accept my explanation.’ She took the napkin from her lap and folded it delicately beside her plate. ‘So—your sister and her fiancé...will they want to meet him today?’

‘They will want to meet both of you, I would imagine.’

‘Surely there is no need for them to meet me.’

Her shoulders immediately became tense, and Duarte fought the urge to stand up and knead her unease away with his hands.

‘I disagree. You are my son’s mother.’ He sat back, pushing away his errant thoughts. ‘I had a lot of time to think last night. And I realised a few things. The first one is that I do not want to miss a single moment of my son’s life.’

‘Duarte, you know that’s unreasonable, considering our situation.’

‘Is it unreasonable to want to give him the kind of upbringing he’s entitled to?’ He measured his words, keeping his tone light. ‘I have a large empty house in a quiet English village. It’s safe, and the area is filled with young families. He would have access to a great education and the freedom to become...whatever he wishes.’

‘That sounds wonderful.’ She swallowed hard. ‘Of course I want all those things for him. But I can’t be expected to drop everything and follow your demands.’

‘I’m not demanding anything, Nora. I’m offering a solution that I think will suit us both. I’m making a proposal.’ He leaned forward, looking at her until she finally met his eyes. ‘I realised last night that we don’t need to make this difficult. Despite my anger towards you, I still find you intensely attractive. The idea of marriage to you is not unpleasant.’

Her face was a cool unflinching mask. Her words were deathly calm. ‘Am I supposed to be flattered by that romantic statement?’

‘I don’t believe in perfect fairy-tales, and I’m pretty sure you don’t either. That doesn’t mean we can’t try to be a family together. It’s the most logical path.’

‘First of all, you have no idea what I believe in or what I want for myself.’ She leaned forward slightly, taking a deep breath before her eyes met his. ‘And, secondly, are you telling me that you now trust me? That you suddenly forgive me for the things I’ve done and who my father is?’