He let out a deep exhalation, a plan already taking shape in his mind.

He would get what he needed from Nora Beckett—one way or another.

‘This can’t be legal.’ Nora stood by the edge of her hospital bed, her suitcase packed at her feet and the small bundle of her son in his baby carrier. ‘It’s been a full week and you’ve said yourself I am well enough to leave.’

‘You’re well enough to go home—not to fly across the country.’ The doctor spoke in a firm tone. ‘Miss Beckett. You will not be cleared to fly in your condition. I won’t allow it. Recovery from pre-eclampsia needs to be closely monitored, and you will both need regular check-ups here in Rio for at least another five weeks.’

‘I can’t stay here,’ she said weakly. ‘I have nowhere to go.’

‘You have a home address listed, right here in Rio.’

Nora looked down at the form on the doctor’s clipboard, seeing Duarte’s name at the top and noting that the address listed was for his palatial villa up in the hills. A place where she had stayed before, numerous times.

‘That’s not my home.’

‘We have been advised to stop you leaving.’

‘Advised by who?’ She raised her voice, looking around at the burly security man who had suddenly appeared outside her door and the slightly uncomfortable look in the doctor’s eyes. ‘Has someone asked you to keep me here?’

‘I asked them.’

Duarte Avelar appeared in the doorway, impeccably dressed in a sleek navy suit and light blue shirt. How unlucky could she get? He had become even more gorgeous, while she had been in a haze of sleepless nights with a newborn and had barely mustered the energy to brush her hair in the week since she’d last seen him.

‘I told you I didn’t need your help.’ Nora squared her shoulders.

He gestured to the doctors and the guard to leave, closing the door behind them. His eyes drifted down, narrowing as he took in the small suitcase at her feet and the baby bundled up in the infant carrier she’d asked one of the nurses to order for her. Thankfully she’d set aside a small provision of cash for clothing and supplies for her son, but she hadn’t expected to need everything so soon.

‘You have no right to intrude on my privacy this way.’ She shook her head in disbelief. ‘I told you I didn’t need your help.’

‘I’m listed as your next of kin. The doctors called and filled me in on your plans to leave because they have concerns. I’ll admit that I do too.’

His eyes met hers with an intensity that took her breath away.

‘Packing a bag and then asking for internet access to book a flight?’

Nora swallowed hard, looking away from him and crossing her arms, ignoring the tender pain that still lingered in her chest from repeated failed attempts to nurse her son. She felt raw inside and out, and having Duarte reappear was just another thing sending her closer to the edge of her control.

‘I am not doing anything wrong.’ She forced a tight smile and deliberately slowed and calmed her voice. ‘The doctor has said herself that both Liam and I are ready to be discharged. Not being allowed to fly has put a snag in my plans, but I will find a way.’

His frown deepened even more. ‘Planning to leave the city?’

She looked down at her hands, feeling the heavy weight of her situation take hold. Without a flight, Manaus was almost three days away—at the other end of the country by the mouth of the Amazon. It was utterly ridiculous even to try to plan that kind of journey with a newborn and in her condition, putting them both at the mercy of public transport and cheap motels. She’d spent almost every last real she had paying to rebook her flight.

‘I need to get out of Rio.’

She heard the desperation in her voice but didn’t care. For all she knew, her father’s men were waiting outside at this very moment. She had never felt so helpless and she hated it.

‘Tell me why,’ he said softly. ‘Are you in danger?’

She bit her lower lip, looking away from him as she felt her eyes fill with panicked tears. She was losing every ounce of control she’d gained for herself, for her son. It infuriated her, feeling so utterly powerless.

Beside her, Duarte cursed softly under his breath and looked away for a moment. ‘Nora, you must know you can’t travel right now. If you need protection...’ He seemed to measure his words for a moment. ‘We’ve got about three minutes before the doctor returns, most likely in the company of someone from social services, who is going to ask some pertinent questions about the welfare of your child.’

Nora clutched at her throat, feeling it clamp tight with fear and realisation. She couldn’t afford for anyone to go digging into her background right now. She needed to keep herself and her son out of her father’s reach.

Closing her eyes, she inhaled deeply, completely aghast at the severity of her situation. Was this how she was starting her journey as a mother? Every single plan she’d made had gone wrong and now she was going to be investigated for child endangerment barely a week into her son’s life!

‘My home is nearby.’ His eyes were steady on hers. ‘You can stay there as my guest until they say you can fly. You’d have almost an entire wing of the house to yourself, along with anything you might need