Still, it had been...utterly perfect.

Maybe it was best that it ended this way. She would arrange to have a helicopter pick her up in the morning and that would be it. No awkward morning-after encounter, no hurt feelings. They both knew what this was, that it could be nothing more. She was completely fine with that.

But still some small naïve part of her made her linger for a moment outside the bathroom door until she heard the shower turned on. He couldn’t have sent a clearer signal if he’d shouted the words Go away! at the top of his lungs.

The night was over.

She returned to her bedroom in darkness, not bothering to turn on any lights as she slipped in between the cool white covers and let stillness wash over her. Her mind raced, thoughts of what tomorrow might bring seeping through to her consciousness as the afterglow of her one experience of lovemaking dimmed.

Was one night of perfect lovemaking with a man of her choosing really enough to carry her through a lifetime of a loveless marriage?

As her exhausted brain admitted defeat and she drifted into half-sleep, she imagined what her wedding day might look like. Only in her mind the man at the top of the aisle was Roman. Devastating in a dark tuxedo as he took her hand and professed his eternal love for her.

All of a sudden her dream shifted to their wedding night, becoming infinitely more erotic. She sighed as he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, the scent of him so familiar and overwhelming it was as if she could actually feel the heat of his skin pressing against her.

‘You are so beautiful...’

His voice rasped near her ear, sending shivers down her spine and even lower.

Her eyes snapped open. ‘Roman?’

He was draped across her, the scent of his shower fresh and warm on the air as his mouth laid a trail of kisses down the side of her neck.

‘You left without giving me a chance to say goodbye,’ he said, a dark glint in his eye as he moved lower to take one of her breasts into his mouth.

‘You were the one who left.’ She exhaled on a slow hiss as his teeth grazed her skin. ‘I thought you were a one-night-only kind of guy.’

A wicked smile spread over his dark features as he poised himself over her, one hand snaking a path down her abdomen to slip between her thighs.

‘The night isn’t over yet, Princess.’

His kisses became more heated as his fingers took her higher and higher towards climax. Before she could completely shatter, he turned onto his back and urged her to straddle him.

‘You will still be tender... I don’t want to hurt you,’ he rasped, his breath coming hard and fast, evidence of his arousal.

Olivia moved over him so that her breasts grazed the smattering of dark hair on his chest. She was clumsy at first, uncertain in her own movements as she poised her body over the sizeable length of him. He was rock-hard and already sheathed, waiting for her. She took a moment to slide the tip of him against her most sensitive spot, enjoying the sensation of molten heat that spread through her.

She repeated the motion a few times, wondering if he would grow impatient and take over himself. He didn’t. Even as his rigid jaw showed the extent of his control he remained still, allowing her this moment of exploration.

‘I’m not quite sure if I’ll be any good at this,’ she said uncertainly, lifting herself so that he was poised at her entrance.

‘I’m right here, holding you.’ He ran his large hands down her back, cupping her buttocks with possession as he guided her.

Her body stretched around him as she took him deep inside her in one smooth movement. The barest hint of discomfort faded quickly to an impatient need to roll her hips, to ride him and increase the delicious pressure she could feel with each movement.

‘Is that...good?’ she asked, her breath coming faster as arousal pooled and tightened inside her.

‘You are driving me insane in the best possible way,’ he groaned, his eyes never leaving hers. ‘Don’t come yet. Not until I’m right there with you.’

Olivia tried to slow down, to control her movements and somehow hold off the mounting climax that seemed ready to shatter her entire being at any second. He held her gaze, his hands gripping her hips as he began thrusting upwards slowly, in time with her.

Their rhythm was so smooth, so gentle, and yet somehow it was filled with a barely restrained madness as they both rose closer and closer to climax. Roman’s breath fanned hard and fast against her cheek as she leaned forward, her breasts crushed against his chest. His hands moved up her back to hold her close, a deep primal groan escaping his lips as he slowed down even further and moved deeper inside her.

Olivia gasped at the overwhelming intensity of being so absolutely cocooned in his strength, and then the intense friction tipped her over the edge and she fell headlong into an orgasm that seemed to ripple through every inch of her body.

As she fell she felt a tightening in her throat, and prayed he wouldn’t see the sheen of moisture in her eyes as she watched him lose control entirely beneath her.

Roman kissed her neck, growling something deeply erotic in his native tongue as the muscles of his abdomen began to ripple with the force of his own orgasm.