As his lips lowered to touch hers she turned her cheek, grimacing when she realised what she had done.

‘Is everything okay?’ he whispered from above her, one hand trailing down her shoulder in a slow, sensual path. ‘Are you...rethinking this?’

‘No,’ she said quickly, noting his features soften with relief. ‘No, I’m definitely not rethinking any of this.’

‘Relax,’ he murmured, kissing a path down between the valley of her breasts. ‘This is one of those fantasies I was telling you about.’

‘It is?’

She lay back, staring up at the ceiling and willing herself to calm down. His mouth was doing a very good job of distracting her. That was until she realised just where those lips were headed. She tensed, reaching down for him just as his lips began to trace a path below her navel.

‘This is my fantasy, remember?’ he said, gripping her wrists and holding them by her sides. ‘And I haven’t even got to the good part yet.’

‘ can’t honestly—’

‘Do you trust me?’ he asked, his eyes dark with passion as his lips pressed gentle kisses along the inside of her thigh.

Olivia watched him kiss her, watched him draw closer to the centre of her, and felt herself nod once. She did trust him. Completely.

The nerves fell away with each gentle kiss on her skin and her eyes never left him, watching as he drew his tongue slowly against the centre of her sex. Her back arched and her eyes fluttered closed for a moment. When she looked back down his eyes were on her, dark and possessive, as he moved his hands to spread her wide and kiss her even deeper.

Her head sank back against the pillows as her body was enveloped in wave after wave of hot, wet pleasure. She reached down and knitted her fingers through his hair, anchoring him to the spot that felt most intense. He growled his appreciation, sliding one finger inside her in a slow rhythm.

‘Oh... Roman...’ She gasped at the feeling of delicious fullness, hardly believing it when he added a second digit to join the first without breaking rhythm.

Just as she began to feel that pressure mounting once more he removed his mouth, sliding up her body in one fluid movement. He reached across to the nightstand, grabbing a small foil packet and sheathing himself with lightning speed.

‘I can’t wait another second. This time I want to be inside you when you come,’ he rasped, his voice half demand, half question as he met her eyes in the dim glowing light.

She spread her legs wide, silently answering his question with her body.

She could feel the tension in his shoulders as he positioned himself at her entrance, slick and ready from his expert attentions. His breathing hitched as he entered her with exaggerated slowness. Olivia raised her legs to encircle his waist, showing him that she was ready. That she wanted to feel him inside her for the first time.

The feeling of fullness was so intense she almost begged him to stop. After a moment she wanted to ask if there was much more of him to go.

There was.

She breathed deep as the sensation became uncomfortable, and was vaguely aware of Roman’s voice intruding on her thoughts.

‘I’m hurting you,’ he said, deeply concerned, and began to withdraw from her.

Olivia held him with her thighs, keeping them connected as her body adjusted to his sizeable girth. ‘Now it’s your turn to be patient,’ she breathed.

She tested her hips once, then twice, in a slow rolling movement. What had begun as a dull sting of pressure soon gave way to a more pleasurable pulse of heat.

Roman’s breath hissed from between his teeth as she moved against him, but he remained exaggeratedly still above her.

‘Does that feel good for you?’ Olivia asked, taking in his tense jaw and serious expression as she tightened her innermost muscles, feeling the delicious hardness of him buried inside her.

Roman lowered his face into the crook of her neck, groaning low in his throat as though he was in pain. ‘Oh, yes. Oh, God, yes.’

Olivia smiled, moving against him and feeling his breathing quicken in response. Suddenly he moved over her, his body arching slowly to press more firmly against her. She looked up into his eyes and somehow knew just what he needed.

He moved her thighs high on his waist, spreading her wide so that he could thrust right to the hilt. She gasped in pleasure, her hands on his chest as he braced himself on his forearms above her. His rhythm was deep and purposeful as he moved over her. He was powerful and entirely lost in his own pleasure.

Release reached them both at the same time, crashing down in wave after wave of pleasure. Olivia closed her eyes as the last of the ripples flowed through her, feeling the mattress move as Roman lay himself down heavily beside her.