‘Is something wrong?’ he asked, frowning.

She shook her head, ignoring the painful throb in her chest at hearing his words.

She took another sip of wine, clearing the fullness from her throat. ‘I adore my work in the community...’ Olivia sighed, unable to hide the wistfulness that crept into her voice. ‘I swear it’s the only time I feel like I’m doing something worthwhile with my life.’

‘That sounds like a vocation,’ he said, sipping from his own glass. ‘And yet you don’t sound fulfilled.’

She shook her head. ‘This might surprise you, but princesses don’t have much sway when it comes to promoting new education laws or increasing expenditure on public schooling.’ She sighed again. ‘Since the crackdown on my security I’ve missed several important events. Perhaps the children won’t even have noticed. Perhaps I’m only helping myself by going out there, boosting my own self-importance. Maybe I’m just an egomaniac.’

‘I highly doubt that,’ he said, all seriousness. ‘This bothers you? Your lack of power?’

‘Of course it does. How would you feel if you had people holding you back from living your own life at every step?’

A strange look passed over his face, disappearing just as quickly.

‘I can only do so much.’ She shrugged. ‘Potential future innovators of my kingdom are sitting in homeless shelters and all I am allowed to do lately is hold charity balls. It means absolutely nothing.’

‘Your work means more to those children than you could ever know.’

‘How can you know that?’

Roman was quiet for a long time, his hands held tight in front of him. Then, ‘I’ve lived that life. A long time ago, now. But you never forget.’ He forced a smile, draining his glass. ‘I know that a stranger’s kindness means more to a homeless child than you would ever believe.’

Olivia took in the tightness on his features, the guarded emotions in his dark steel-grey eyes. ‘Roman, I had no idea...’

‘My past is not something that I like to relive. I just want you to know that your work has value. I owe much of my success to men and women I never even knew. They received no thanks, no rewards. I never understood such selfless giving—it was not something I had grown up to feel. Never doubt such honest goodness, Olivia.’

‘I am sorry that you had such a difficult upbringing.’

‘I’m not. It made me who I am today. But I am not arrogant enough to forget that the world would be an awful place if it was only filled with cynical men like me.’

Olivia understood him then—a little more than before, at least. ‘You’re not so bad.’

He laughed. ‘You don’t know the half of it.’

‘Tell me, then,’ she said quickly. ‘Tell me whatever it is you think is so awful about yourself and let me be the judge.’

‘Mine is not the kind of story you tell over paella and wine.’ The laughter died from his voice, making it clear that the topic was not open for further discussion.

Their main course was laid in front of them, providing a welcome distraction. The food was delicious, and yet as Olivia watched Roman eat she couldn’t help but imagine him as a young boy. Thin and hungry...helpless. It was a jarring thought—one that filled her throat with emotion.

She hated to think of anyone suffering through such hardship—especially considering the luxury she had been born into. It had never sat well with her, the enormous divide between the wealthy and the poverty-stricken. She had always felt a weight on her shoulders and an obligation to do her part.

‘That was delicious,’ she said, forcing a smile as the waiter came to clear their plates and replenish their wine glasses.

‘I hope this meal has done something to make up for my behaviour so far,’ he said, lowering his glass and looking at her. Sincerity darkened his eyes as he held her gaze. ‘For some reason the idea that you see me as cold and cruel bothers me.’

‘I don’t think you are cold at all,’ she said, in all seriousness. ‘I think that’s just what you prefer people to believe.’

* * *

The night had grown cold by the time they embarked at the Puerto Arista harbour and set sail for the short trip back to the island.

Olivia apologised once again for the fact that they had had to abandon his luxury speedboat, but Roman assured her it was fine. They fell into silence as he concentrated on moving the boat along the harbour safely towards open water, each of them deep in thought.

A spark in the sky behind them startled her, and she turned back just in time to see an explosion of red and blue lights erupt into the perfect black sky.

‘It must be midnight,’ Roman said from behind her.