There was nothing but ocean ahead of her for miles. She turned and caught her breath. She could see the entire island in all its glowing emerald glory. A heavy sigh escaped her lips and she leaned her elbows against the metal railing.


e villa was little more than a pea-sized white blur from here, partially hidden in the trees far over to the north. Likely Roman was still holed up in his office there, determined to spend as little time in her company as possible.

She had almost been tempted to go and ask him to show her the lighthouse. She had walked boldly up to his office door and stood poised, ready to knock. But then she had remembered his face as he’d called her Princess. The patronising tone as he had all but called her a child in need of supervision. She had not actually agreed to his terms, so technically she wasn’t breaking any promises.

The hike had been just what she’d needed to shake off the extra energy that had plagued her all morning. She had made a point of eating a good wholesome breakfast before setting off, not wanting to make the same mistake as she had the night before. Now her thighs burned from exertion and her cheeks were warm and she finally felt as if she was doing something. And the best part of all was that she was entirely alone.

A harsh male roar caught her by surprise and her hand almost slipped on the railing. She looked down, wide-eyed, and caught sight of Roman powering across the plane at the base of the lighthouse, angry determination in his posture as he stopped and looked up at her.

He shouted something entirely inaudible, his voice fighting against the noise of the wind and the waves below. Olivia couldn’t help it—she laughed. The smile that erupted on her lips made him scowl even more as he powered ahead once more and disappeared through the door beneath her.

There were at least three storeys between them, made up of one long winding staircase, and yet it seemed like barely a minute passed before she heard him step out onto the platform behind her.

‘What the hell do you think you’re doing up here?’ he growled.

Olivia turned to look at him over her shoulder. ‘I’m enjoying the view.’

‘Oh, of course. Of course you’d have to perch yourself fifty feet in the air. You couldn’t just stand on the deck below like a normal person.’

‘The door was unlocked and I’ve never seen the inside of a lighthouse before.’ She shrugged, holding onto the railing to pull herself up. ‘It’s not half as quaint as I’d imagined.’

She turned to face Roman, seeing his look of cold rage turn quickly to disbelief.

‘This isn’t a game, Olivia,’ he said darkly. ‘What if you’d fallen?’

‘I’m quite capable of using stairs without supervision.’ She stood tall, wishing he wouldn’t keep looking at her that way. ‘Please, just...stop treating me like a child.’

‘Well, then, stop acting like one!’ He raised his voice.

She sidestepped him, neatly sliding through the doorway and starting down the steps at a rapid pace.

He followed quickly behind her.

‘You are the most reckless, difficult client I have ever had.’ Roman stalked behind her, his voice still holding that dark edge.

‘Because I wanted to explore a little?’ She paused, turning to look back at him. ‘This entire island is more secure than the royal vaults. You knew exactly where I was—as evidenced by the fact that you are here.’

‘I was at least ten minutes behind you.’

‘You are seriously overreacting, and I would like to know why.’

He met her eyes easily, his height making him tower above her even more than usual. ‘I’m reacting as anyone would if they found the woman they are supposed to be protecting dangling her legs from a fifty-foot balcony.’

‘It would hardly be your fault if I fell, would it?’ She shrugged, turning back to continue down the steps. ‘I’m sure your beloved Khal would find a replacement princess eventually.’

Strong hands encased her shoulders, effectively barring her from moving. Roman moved around her so they stood face to face.

She was almost completely level with him on the step below. The expression on his face completely took her breath away.

‘Do you honestly have a death wish?’ He grasped her shoulders tightly, his eyes blazing with real, deep concern.

‘I... No, of course not.’ She turned her face away from him, only for him to turn it right back.

His fingers were hot and hard against her cheek, and this close she was surrounded by the warm, delicious aroma of him that she had come to recognise so well.

‘Your eyes tell me a different story.’