Khal’s mouth twisted. ‘I was under the impression that the untouchable Roman Lazarov never needed help.’

‘And I was under the impression that our friendship came before brown-nosing the King of Monteverre.’ Roman spoke quietly, venom in every word.

Right now, looking at Khal in his perfectly pressed white royal robes, a good old-fashioned punching match didn’t sound like the worst way to start his day. Back on the streets of St Petersburg it was the way most fights were resolved. Fighting had sometimes been the only way not to starve.

Roman scowled, realising the hunger in his gut was doing nothing to help his already agitated mood and the dark memories of his past threatening his control.

‘I was not aware that you had been held in custody until this morning.’

Khal interrupted his thoughts, frowning with genuine concern.

Roman tipped his head back, propping one foot lazily up on the low table in front of him. People generally afforded the almighty Sheikh of Zayyar a certain level of ceremony and pomp. But not him. He usually went out of his way to take Khal down a peg whenever they were alone.

‘Oh, just five hours in a windowless room with my hands cuffed behind my back—no big deal.’

‘I find it hard to sympathise, considering you’d held my future wife hostage like a common criminal,’ Khal said simply.

‘An interesting choice of words, Your Highness,’ Roman snarled, derision in every syllable.

A silence fell between them—not the comfortable kind that came from years of close friendship. This was a silence filled with tension and frustration.

A friendship like theirs had no clear rules, different as they were.

Khal came from a long line of royalty—had been educated and privileged and born with power in his blood. Whereas Roman had fought for everything he owned, clawing his way out of the gutter he had been abandoned in as a child. Over the years he had refined his harsh manners and learned how to act like a gentleman, but underneath he would always bear the marks of his past. The darkness had branded him—quite literally—and that was something his friend had no experience of.

Khal cleared his throat loudly. ‘You know, in ten years I don’t think you’ve changed one bit.’

Roman ignored the barely veiled insult, shrugging as he put one leg casually across the table. ‘I have a lot more money.’

‘And an even bigger ego.’ Khal frowned.

‘Need I remind you that I came here as a favour? I did not have to dirty my hands for you, Khal. No matter what debts I may owe you.’

‘Is that the only reason you came? And here I was thinking you cared for my happiness.’ Khal’s mouth tightened. ‘Four years is a long time to hold on to your guilt, Lazarov.’

Roman shook his head, standing to pace to the railing that edged the upper deck. He had enough painful memories affecting his concentration today—he didn’t need more reminders of the long line of blackness he left in his wake.

‘I came here because you needed help, bratik. Nothing more.’

For the first time Khal looked weary as he rubbed a hand across his clean-shaven face. He sat down in the deckchair Roman had vacated and stared up at the clear sky above them.

‘This whole situation is rapidly getting away from me. My trip was supposed to be simple and straightforward, tying everything up. And now I stand to lose everything I have staked.’

Roman frowned at his friend’s unusual display of weakness. ‘It will be fine. I will apologise to the Princess and smooth things over for you.’

Khal looked at him, realisation dawning on his dark features. ‘You don’t know? The Princess has disappeared, Roman. Half the Palace Guard is out searching for her.’

Roman froze with surprise. ‘Disappeared? I just spoke with her last night.’

‘You spoke with her?’ Khal’s voice raised an octave. ‘What on earth would possess you to speak with her after what you’d put her through?’

‘She had me put through far worse, trust me.’

‘So this is even more your fault than I had originally thought?’

‘Khal, I had the tunnel blocked, extra guards assigned. How on earth could she have just walked out of there?’

Khal shook his head. ‘Clearly she wanted to get away badly enough to risk her own safety. What did you say to her?’