"Don't go." He's tugging frantically at my arms as I pull away.

"I can't stay." I pull free and turn to

walk out.

Chapter 13

"You know more about medicine than I do," Alexa says as she takes a bite of her pizza. "My best guess is that he's bipolar."

I almost choke at the suggestion. I try to swallow the pizza I'm chewing on before my laughter causes it to fly out of my mouth. "He's not bipolar. He's a liar."

"Why do you keep sleeping with him?" She picks at the mushrooms on her slice, pushing them to the edge of the plate. "There are so many cocks in the ocean. I'll find you another one just as nice."

I push my head back to roar with laughter. "I needed that."

"It's true." She winks as she takes a sip of soda. "Why do you think I like swimming so much?"

"You're on fire tonight." I chuckle. "Seriously, he's got way too much going on for me. It's like a police interrogation every time I ask him anything. I feel like he's on the verge of asking for a lawyer when I ask him simple questions."

"Maybe he's in witness protection." She pulls her brows together. "I saw something like this on an episode of Law and Order SVU. The guy wasn't who he said he was and he did a lot of messed up shit."

I stare at her wondering exactly how her mind strings all these random thoughts together into such semi-coherent thoughts. "Maybe I'm just being too overly cautious."

"You're not married to the guy." She points her finger at me. "You're fucking him. Don't make it more serious than it is. Just enjoy it."

I purse my lips together as I consider her words. Maybe she's right. Maybe I need to lighten up. He did tell me everything about Coral and he seems honest about his feelings for me. Maybe I do need to just embrace it for what it is and push my doubts aside.


I'm downstairs. Please let me up.

I stare at my words on my phone's screen. It's been over five minutes since I sent that text and I've gotten no reply. It's eleven o'clock on a Tuesday night. I thought he'd be here. I assumed he'd be at home.

I was in the shower. I'll be right down.

I feel a lump in my throat at his reply. My mind automatically jumps to the conclusion that he's not alone. Why else would he be showering this late and why didn't he just buzz me up?

The elevator chimes its arrival and I turn to see him step off. His black hair is still damp and pushed back from his face. The blue sweater he's wearing brings his eyes to life. They are so brilliantly blue. I run my eyes down his jeans before they settle on his black dress shoes. How does anyone look so amazing right after they shower?

"Are you hungry?" He pulls me into a quick embrace. It's as if the heated conversation we had in his dining room a few days ago never happened.

"Not really." I glance up into his eyes." I was just hoping we could talk about something."

"We will." He brushes his lips against the tip of my nose as his arm encircles my waist. "I haven't eaten yet. Let's go."

I follow his lead in silence. I came here to tell him that I was going to push my petty jealousy aside because I just wanted to enjoy every moment I could with him. Now, we're going out late at night to a restaurant. He hates restaurants and he loves having me in his apartment. How can I talk to him about not being jealous when it's all I can feel in this moment?

"Why can't we stay here?" I ask as he presses the elevator's call button. "Is your roommate here?"

His shoulders heave forward and I know he's disappointed by the question. "No, Sadie."

I turn my gaze down as I cross my arms on my chest. "Okay," I whisper.

"Every time we try and talk upstairs I end up ravishing you." A grin pulls on the corner of his lips. "I want that now too, but what happened the other day can't happen again. I want to talk in a neutral place and I want some food."

He has an answer for everything. Why is it so hard for me to believe him? I want to follow Alexa's advice and just take what I can from this. I have to do that. If I don't, I'm going to lose any time I have with him.

"Thai food?" I push myself into his chest.