"Lick it there, Nathan," she says in a breathless tone. "Ah, yes, just like that."

I take her lead and lap my tongue over her clit. I hold tight to her thighs as she rides my face. Her body gives in to all the pleasure. Her hips rock back and forth quickly and urgently as she races to find her release.

"I'm so close." I don't need to hear the words. I can feel it. I can sense it in the way her legs are moving. I can hear it in her breathing.

I lick faster and harder. I move my head to match the rhythm of my tongue. I could eat her sweet pussy for hours and never tire of it. This is my heaven. This is the woman I'm supposed to spend my forever with.

Her body tilts back as an orgasms captures her. Her hands hold tightly to the headboard. I look up. Her beautiful big tits are bouncing heavily with the weight of her arousal. She allows the orgasm to carry her. She rides the wave until it's over.

"I can't believe how good that felt." She moves her legs pulling her body away from my mouth. "It's always so good, Nathan."

I smile at the compliment. "I love that, Jessica. I can't tell you what it's like to eat you like that."

She settles next to me on the bed. "You like it?"

"I fucking love it." I pull her into my chest. "You have such a sweet body. I love the taste of it."

She sighs deeply as she pulls her arm around my waist. "I've missed this. I've missed us."

I kiss the top of her head softly. "I hate it when we aren't close." It's more than that though. It's not just about the sex. I hate it when there's anything dividing our hearts. I can't function. I'm lost when I feel as though Jessica's drifted away from me.

"I've felt really alone."

I pull back so I can look at her face. There's a sadness sweeping over it. "You're never alone. I'm always here. Always."

Chapter 18

"You've been mad at me," she whispers. They're the words you'd expect an impish child to say to their parent. We never speak about our age difference, but there's an unspoken understanding that she views me as someone who will take care of her. She sees me as the one who guides her in some ways, and I've tried my best to live up to that.

"I haven't been mad at you," I correct her with a soft stroke on her bare back with my fingers. "I've been mad at the situation."

"You mean the situation with Thomas?" she says his name with such effortless ease that it drives straight through me. I don't want her to bring him up at every turn. I can't stand the sound of his name.

"Yes," I don't offer more.

"It's very complicated." She taps her hand on my chest before her finger circles a path around my nipple.

"I'm really good with complicated things, Jessica." I pull her hand into mine. "I've shared every secret I have with you because you wanted that."

She nods and her hair pulls across my skin. "I needed that from you."

It's the opening I've been waiting impatiently for. "I need that from you too."

"What happens if I break the confidentiality agreement?" She pulls herself up onto her elbows on my chest so she's looking directly at my face. "What will happen to me?"

"Nothing." I tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. "I'm an attorney, I won't tell anyone."

"What about the money?"

I wait for more but that's the end of the question. Money? What fucking money is she talking about? "What money, Jessica?"

Her fingers pull on the bottom of her hair in a thoughtless, nervous gesture. "The money I got when I signed the form."

She sounds simple and naïve. I can't tell if she's doing it on purpose or if there's a genuine question behind her words. "Is that part of the confidentiality agreement you signed? You're not supposed to tell people you were paid?"

"I guess." She shrugs her shoulders. "The lawyer that Thomas had said I couldn’t talk about it with anyone or they'd need the money back."

That fucking asshole threatened her. He threatened her so she'd keep her mouth shut about the affair. "How much money was it?" The amount is inconsequential. I don't give a fuck about it. I want to know how much he thought her silence was worth.