My better judgement falls to the wayside as I pull my soaked clothes from me. I'm on my knees in front of her, drawing her smooth legs apart. I hoist the left one over my shoulder. I don't waste a moment before I graze my tongue over her moist folds.

She juts her hips out as her back presses into the shower wall. The warm water continues beating down on us both. I can't stop myself. I've been craving the taste of her for days. I need to give her this. I have to show her that I want her. I need her to feel that we're still connected on this very basic level.

"Yes," she whispers into the heated space.

I take my time, carefully twirling my tongue over her clit. I know that she likes it slow and steady. She loves when I build up the tension by drawing the orgasm slowly out of her. I pull my tongue down, darting into her entrance, scooping up the sweet desire that is already flowing out of her. She's wet. Even though we're in the shower, and the water is coursing over us both, I can tell that she's so wanting. She needs to come. I need to give that to her.

"Please, like that." The words fall from her lips as her hands twist in my wet hair. She pulls sharply in an effort to guide my tongue back to her clit.

I give her everything she wants. I lick my index finger slowly before pushing it into her slick channel. I stroke it in and out at an even pace as I twist her swollen bud around my tongue. I lick her harder and faster. Her sex clenches around my finger so I slide another in. She's so tight. Her body is involuntarily responsive to mine.

Her hips buck slightly as she nears her release. "Nathan, please." Her voice gets lost in the beat of the water on my back.

I pull her clit between my teeth while I pound my fingers in and out of her pussy. I sense her body tense. I feel the wetness around my hand as she throws her head back and a deep moan escapes from her as the orgasm washes slowly through her body.

I don't move. I keep licking, probing and sucking. I need another. I want to hear her call my name again. She's giving me as much in this moment as I'm giving her. I feel close to her. We're connected in this small space in the most primal way.

I hear her head hit the shower wall again as her entire body convulses in a long, slow orgasm. I hold tight to her waist, letting her come down from the edge with my lips still against her. I finally feel her leg go limp on my s

houlder. I carefully pull it down.

"Fuck me, Nathan." It's a statement, not a request. There's no urgency behind it anymore. The need that was so apparent in her voice when I first stepped in the shower isn't there anymore. She's not yearning for my body to be in hers. Frankly, I'm not anymore either. Hearing her come and feeling the desire flow through her body is all the satisfaction I need right now. I just want to hold her. I want her to know she can trust me, with not only her body, but her secrets too.

I stand and pull her into my chest. I hold her against me as her breathing finally levels. I skim my lips across her forehead. "Do you want to get out now?"

She only nods against me in response. Her hands still cling tightly to my waist. I have to reach behind her to turn off the shower. I pull her with me. I can't let her go.

I hear the whimper before I feel it run through her. She sobs briefly, her hands moving from my waist to my chest. She taps her hands against me. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" I stroke her damp hair as we stand there, clinging to each other in the nude. "Tell me."

"I can't." There's anger woven into the response. It's not directed at me. I can sense that immediately. She's fighting with herself.

I open the door and we both recoil from the cool air that juts into the shower stall. I grab a large white towel. I wrap it around her, pulling her back into my body. "Let's get you dressed."

She shakes her head. "No. I want to go to bed."

I've lost track of time but I know it's no later than seven. She worked the lunch shift today, which means she got off at six. I left my office shortly after that. "You want to go to bed?"

"I want you to hold me."

I can't argue the point. It's exactly what I want to. I guide her out of the shower before I grab another towel. I dry every inch of her body carefully while she watches me in silence. I wrap the towel I used to soak the water from her around my own waist.

"I love you, Nathan." Her voice cracks with the words.

I pull her back into me. I rest her head against my chest. "I love you too, Jessica. I love you so much."

Chapter 15

She fell asleep almost instantly after I carried her to the bed. I've watched her sleep for more than three hours now. The only break I took was to scurry to the kitchen to grab an apple. I can't pull myself away from her. This beautiful woman that I adore more than anything on this earth is in a battle with herself. She's fighting her own demons and I've been so fucking worried that she's screwing someone else that I haven't noticed that.

The shrill bite of a cell phone cuts through the dark silence. She pushes against me before her eyes pop open. It takes a moment for her to register where she is. I see it within her expression.

"You fell asleep," I say quietly between the phone's rings. "I wanted you to sleep all night."

"Is that my phone?" She's sitting now, her gaze flowing over the darkened space.

I point towards the nightstand. "It's my phone."