"Mr. Moore, unless you get me some results soon, I'm going to have to find another attorney."

Threats aren't my thing. Correction. They are my thing if I'm threatening Jessica with the promise of a mind blowing orgasm. Technically, you might argue that it's not a threat at all. I know, for certain, she'd argue that it's not a threat. I need to make her come. I'm going to stop by the restaurant tonight to whisper sweet nothings all about fucking in her ear.

"Are you even listening to me, Mr. Moore?" His voice breaks through my fantasy of licking Jessica's beautiful, round tits.

"Mr. Wilkinson." I try to focus on his face. It's jarring after the gorgeous images that were just dancing in my head.

He taps his cane against the carpeted floor and it does little for effect. The sound is muffled. "I can find someone else to help me if you aren't willing."

He can't. He may think he can but the contract I had him sign is air tight. He's not going anywhere whether he realizes it or not. "There's no need for that," I offer in a half ass genuine tone. The man had been chasing me down almost every hour upon the hour for the last two days. I've had my secretary soak up much of his ill placed attitude. He's frustrated with the limited progress I've been making on his case. I can't blame him. It's slow going but I'm getting somewhere and with a little patience, he may just see at least some of his money back in his hands within the next year or two.

"I'll have more to report at the end of the week." I stand, indicating that the meeting is now adjourned.

Mr. Wilkinson doesn't move at all. "We're not done."

"We're done." I nod. "The more time we spend chatting, sir, the less time I have to work on your case." I just pulled that out of thin air. I'm impressed.

"Good point." He teeters helplessly in the air for a brief moment as he pulls himself to his feet.

I walk around my desk to offer a hand but he swats it away. I don’t take offense. The man is proud. I've sensed that the first moment he walked into my office. "I'll call you on Thursday," I say as I open the door and watch him walk through.

"You're Moore?" An unfamiliar voice from the left pulls my gaze away from Mr. Wilkinson at the bank of elevators.

I tilt my head to the left. My hands immediately jump into the pockets of my pants. If I let them roam free one of them is going to connect with his face. It's him. Governor Thomas Lane is standing less than two feet away from me.


"I thought you left town." I don't motion for him to sit. I don't care if he stands. I just want the bastard out of my office and my girlfriend's life as soon as possible.

"Jessie told you that?" The name is remote and ill-suited to her. I've never viewed her as anyone but Jessica. Jessie is the person she was back in Connecticut. I've heard countless other people call her Jess or Jessie. I've always struggled to connect with that.

"Jessica told me she asked you to leave her alone," I say in an even tone. "Why the fuck are you still here?"

He chuckles. I stare at him as he finally

lowers himself into the chair Mr. Wilkinson was just sitting in. I can see why Jessica was drawn to him. It's obvious he's attractive. He's older than me. I'd guess by more than a decade. His brown hair is showing the first touches of grey. His blue eyes are honed in on me. "You're an attorney."

It's a statement, not a question. He's either heard about me from Jessica or the man has done his research. "That's not news, Governor."

He tips his head in my direction. "Jessica told me about you."

I feel a rush of pride at the comment. She didn't try and hide the fact that she was involved with someone. "Why are you here?"

He leans forward in his chair. His voice takes on a whispered tone. "Did she explain the confidentiality agreement to you?"

I try in vain to temper my reaction to his words. He didn't just say that there's a confidentiality agreement in place? I scratch my finger behind my ear trying desperately to find something to say in response that isn't going to make me look like he just threw a sucker punch at me and hit me square between the eyes. "We don't have secrets."

"You do." He rests his elbow on the arm of the chair. His simple gold wedding band catches the overhead light as he shifts his hand. "If you don't, Jessie is in a lot of trouble."

I hate every single word that just came out of his vile mouth. I hate that his mouth has kissed her and touched her in places I have. "Is this why you came to New York?" My hand flies behind me to the bank of windows that overlook mid-town Manhattan. "You came here to intimidate Jessica?"

"I came here to remind her that she needs to keep her pretty little mouth shut." He snaps his fingers together with a loud pop. "She brought up something at the wedding that she's not permitted to talk about. I came here to remind her of the consequences if she shares that information with anyone."

There's no way in hell he's talking about their affair. I need clarification about what's going on. "Jessica signed an agreement?"

"She signed an agreement," he begins as he taps his index finger on the edge of my desk. "She also took a huge check for her …" his voice trails. A thin smile takes over his lips. "She took money in exchange for her silence. There's a small matter regarding our affair that she can never talk about."

I stare at his smug face. He's got me by the balls and he knows it. He didn't waltz in here to ask me if Jessica broke the confidentiality agreement that he made her sign. He came here specifically to throw their past relationship in my face. "You can leave." I motion towards the door of my office.