"I can hail a cab myself." I sling my purse over my shoulder. "Thank you for today."

"Thank you for today?" He playfully throws the words back at me.

"Yes." I stand in front of him, absentmindedly playing with the hem of my skirt. I regret being so vulnerable in the bathtub. Rebecca was right. I can't get too invested in him. He's not a man you can trust your heart with.

"Thank you for fucking you?" He's on his feet now, strolling towards me. "Thank you for making you come so many times?"

"Sure," I toss back. "Although, I do know how to come myself."

"Next time you're going to show me that." He brushes his lips across my forehead. "Get home safe, Jessica."

I feel my body heave a heavy sigh as I watch him walk back to his desk and take a seat. His eyes instantly focus on his laptop as he places a call on his cell.

I turn and walk out of the room in silence, wishing I could redo the entire day from beginning to end.


"I can't believe today is your last day." Cassandra pulls me into a warm embrace.

"Me either." I mean the words on the surface. Truth be told, I'm breathing a heavy sigh of relief that I don't have to face her every day. Even though she's never realized that I was the woman Nathan was talking about, I haven't felt settled working for her since then.

"You're going to go work at Axel NY?" She claps her hands together in delight. "Do you think you can get me a table?"

"I have absolutely no pull over there." I smile. "I doubt at this point that I can get a table."

"I think I'll see you there sometime." She pinches my side. "I'm dating someone new."

The instant the words leave her lips I feel as though a boulder has been lifted from my shoulders. "You have. Really?" I know I sound excited. Maybe too excited but I don't care. I want her to be happy. I want her to find a man who can fill the void she's long felt in her life.

"A guy from work." Her face brightens. "It's really new and early but he's crazy about me."

I feel a stab of longing when I hear those words. He's crazy about her. He's probably wild about more than just her body.

"I hope it works out," I offer. I genuinely mean it. I want her to get a guy who will treat her with the respect she deserves. "Maybe he has a friend he can introduce me to."

"Things aren't going good with the random?" She reaches to touch my wrist. I smile at the subtle sign of affection.

"They're okay. Better, I guess." I'm honestly not sure how to answer her question. "I just have this nagging feeling."

"What feeling, Jess. Spit it out." She reaches to push a piece hair back behind my ear. "What are you feeling?"

"I feel as though he's only in it for the sex." I shrug my shoulders. "He asked for my number but that's it. He never asks about my life unless it relates to the possibility of another man getting in my pants."

"So he's jealous but disinterested?" She cocks her head to the side.


"Maybe he just likes the sex so much that he wants to keep you to himself but he's not interested in a real relationship."

"I think you just defined him to a tee." I reach to give her a quick hug. "Keep in touch."

"Come by and visit the kids whenever you want and Jess, watch out for your heart."

Chapter 10

"This is so much fun." Rebecca literally screams over the hum of the crowd, the drink in her hand very close to spilling all over the front of her white dress. "We haven't partied this hard in years."

Correction. She hadn't partied this hard in years. I was drinking a virgin margarita and feeling absolutely no buzz at all. I had an early prep shift at the restaurant and I couldn't be cloudy for that. I wanted to make the best impression I could. Going with her to this new club opening was simply a favor. As soon as she found someone to latch onto, I was going to catch a cab to go home.