Page 32 of Obsessed: Part 3

"No, you do that." He throws my words back in my face.

"It will always be like this." I hang my head.

"Like what?" he asks absentmindedly, his focus pulled back once again to his smartphone.

I don't reply. I sit in silence waiting to see when he'll notice. Several moments pass as he taps out what seems to be an email on his phone.

"Where were we?" He reaches behind me for his jacket and pulls it back on.

"You were leaving." I stand and motion towards the door. "Goodbye, Jax. Let me know when the dust settles."

He stops and stares into my face. I can see countless questions bouncing in his eyes but he doesn't open his mouth to speak. He just follows my suggestion to the door, opens it and slips through.

Chapter 18

"I know that look." Mrs. Adams pulls my chin up with her finger. "You're upset about a man."

I giggle as I squeeze her hand in mine. "You should have been a psychic."

"I could have been one." She winks. "That or a chorus girl on Broadway."

"You would have driven the men wild," I say jokingly.

She bursts into laughter almost spilling the glass of lemonade she's holding into her lap. She places it down on the table before she turns to look at me. "I'm glad you're staying here for now, dear."

I gaze past her to the foyer of my apartment. "Me too." I haven't told her about Mark's legal issues or that I may have to move out of the building at a moment's notice if his assets are seized. It's all too worrisome and complicated for her to manage.

"Have you spoken to your fellow today?"

"Not today," I reply softly. Not since he walked out a week ago after our confrontation regarding Mark. I haven't tried to text or call him and I've heard nothing from him at all. I assume he's been too wrapped up in making Mark pay for his misdeeds. That along with the restructuring of his father's company would soak up all of his time. At least that's what my heart is telling me.

"It's getting late." She glances at the vintage silver watch on her right wrist. "I need to get home."

It can't be later than four I imagine. After our lunch we had stopped here for a glass of lemonade. Spending time with Mrs. Adams on this Friday afternoon was just what I needed to boost my spirits. "I'll help you to your door."

She gossips about one of the women who lives on the floor below us as we walk the few feet to her apartment door. I assure her that I'll stay away from the widow Pennington now that I know that she's a hussy.

As she opens the last of the locks she turns back to me. "I'll see you tonight, dear."

"Tonight?" I ask softly.

Her eyes dart from my face to the wall behind me. "Tomorrow." She pats herself on the forehead. "Old brain," she chuckles.

I giggle as I help her through the door.


I stare at the luxurious embossed card that Jax had given me last week. It's almost seven and I'm still undecided on whether to be at the noted address in an hour. I wish I knew what he had planned when he prepared this. My eyes settle on the date. I catch my breath. Today would have been my mother's birthday. This was the day she was born.

I bolt from the bed and start searching through my still unpacked boxes of clothes. I have no idea what awaits me at this building in Soho but I know now that I need to be there. I smile as I pull a simple black cocktail dress from the second box I rummage through. I move on to one of the boxes of shoes and find a red set of heels.

I hurriedly shower, bunching my hair into a passable upswept mess and put on minimal make up. I stare at my bare neck in the mirror after applying my mascara. I rush into my bedroom opening a small wooden box on the nightstand. I carefully pull the necklace from it and sit down as I fasten it around my neck. It's back where it belongs.

I grab a clutch and toss my phone, wallet and keys into it. I stand and take one last look at myself in the full length mirror in the hall. I look tired. My hair is an absolute disaster but I'm presentable. I look hopeful and that's more than I have looked or felt in a week.

I hold tightly to the card as I take the elevator to the lobby. After stopping to greet Oliver and kiss him on the cheek I gaze past him to see a car parked at the curb. It's Leonard, Jax's driver.

"Ms. Marlow," he says as he opens the back door of the sedan for me.