Page 30 of Obsessed: Part 3

"What? He told you?" He almost laughs in merriment. "Tell me exactly what he said."

I try to pull the conversation with Mark back to the forefront of my mind. I don't know his exact wording. I can't recall every pinpointed detail of what he said. "I'm not sure exactly what he said."

He grabs my arm forcefully and I flinch. "Remember, Ivy. You have to remember."

I try to tear myself from his grasp but his hand is unyielding. "You're hurting me, Jax. Let me go."

"Think about this carefully." He ignores my request. The papers swing past my face. "What did he say to you?" He spits out each word separately the way a person would do if they were talking to someone who doesn't comprehend the language.

I wrench my arm free. Pain bites through it. "He said that he was worried that I was going to go to the FTC. He forged my name on documents and Brooke helped him."

"Holy fucking shit." He jumps up and down. "You've got to be fucking kidding me."

I stand in silence staring at him in all his wanton joy. He's giddy. His eyes scan the documents for a second time.

"What else?" He doesn't raise his eyes from the paper he's focused on. "What else did he say?"

I wince at his words. I don't want to talk about this anymore. I want to go back to the bedroom. I want all of this to be a bad dream.

"Ivy." My name snaps across his lips. "What else?"

I stare at him. He's not the same. The man from the bedroom is gone now. "He said that he paid Brooke off."

He doesn't reply. He's racing down the hallway. I stand in silence hearing only the distant sound of his voice. He's telling someone that he got the golden ticket. I don't know how much time passes. It must be only moments, although it feels like endless hours. I'm still standing exactly where he left me. My hair rumpled, his t-shirt covering my body as he sprints past me, fully clothed and charges out the door.

Chapter 17

"Where did you disappear to last night, beautiful?" Jax is standing in the doorway of my apartment. It's now approximately sixteen hours since he left me alone in his living room.

I move to the side so he can walk in. "You were the one who disappeared on me." My words are spiked with resentment. "You just ran away with your golden ticket."

He smoothly slips his suit jacket from his shoulders and thoughtfully folds it before placing it over the back of the chair in my living room. "You heard that," he grimaces.

"I did." I motion for him to sit.

He takes a spot on the couch and I can tell from his posture that he's expecting me to sit next to him. I move towards the chair and perch myself on the arm.

I wait for him to check his phone before I speak again. "So what happens now?"

"You could sit on my lap," he growls patting his slacks.

"With Mark? What happens?" I ignore his innuendo. I don't want to slip into anything intimate with Jax until we discuss what I'm feeling.

He rolls his eyes and the gesture bites into me. This cocky version of Jax isn't nearly as appealing as the man who gave me the necklace or the one who took care of me in the shower. "Why does it matter, Ivy? Don't you dare say you care about what happens to that asshole."

I stare sullenly at him. "I care what happens to me."

"You're fine." There's a definite edge to his voice. "I'll take care of you."

"What about our deal?"

"What deal?" He's focused on his phone again.

"The shares…" My voice falls off as he pulls the phone to his ear.

He raises his index finger as if to stop me from speaking. "Gilbert. Tell me what you know. When will

the FTC meet with me?"