Page 25 of Obsessed: Part 3

I breathe in heavily before I pull a wide grin across my lips. "Actually I believe that if she would have slept with Jax she wouldn’t have gone near your bed."

"What the fuck does that mean?" He jerks forward, his knees banging into the coffee table.

"You kind of suck in bed." I shrug my shoulders. "Jax, on the other hand…" I let my voice trail as I watch him squirm.

"Shut up." A vein on his forehead bulges as he tosses the words at me. "What the hell would you know?"

"I finally know what an orgasm is," I say in a breathy tone.

"You're vile." He lunges to his feet. "You called me all the way over here for that? To tell me Jax is better in bed than me?"

"Better is an understatement, sweetheart." I stand now too.

"What do you want, Ivy?" He moves swiftly towards the door of the apartment.

"I want to know why I keep hearing that there were company shares in my name before we even separated." I place my hands on my hips in defiance. I won't back down from this.

He scoffs, "who told you that, it's not true?"

"Brooke did." It's a lie but it's only skirting the truth. I did hear her say it with my own two ears on that video.

"She's a lying bitch." His hands are trembling.

I know I'm circling something big. I just don't have any idea what it is. "No, she's a whore and a lying bitch but that's just semantics."

"When did you talk to her?" He pushes the question at me as he takes a step towards me.

I don't retreat. I'm not going to allow him to intimidate me a moment longer. "That's not relevant. What is relevant is that you gave me a ten percent share in Intersect Investments when we separated and apparently I owned at least that for some time before that day."

"You did not," he screams at me.

"I've always wondered why you didn't involve any lawyers in that transaction." I tap my index finger to my chin. "Brooke helped me understand why that is."

All of the color drains from his face. "I paid her to keep her mouth shut."

"Obviously not enough." I temper the tone of my voice. I have to keep baiting him. "She told me everything."

His foot begins drumming extraordinarily fast against the hardwood floor. It's a sign that he's panicked. I remember it clearly from the day I confronted him about his affairs. "Fuck her. She told you about the forgery, didn't she?" he asks, his voice cracking.

I nod my head. Forgery? Did Mark forge my name? Was he using my proxy before I signed the documents giving it to him?

"When Tom died I had to do something." He starts pacing back and forth in the foyer. "Jax could have taken over. Putting those shares in your name was the only thing I could think of."

I stare at his face. How could I have not realized how destructive he was? How did I not see through the thin veil of goodness that he wore for me?

"You're not going to the FTC with this, are you?" He lunges at me and grabs my arms. "Is she going to testify that I made her impersonate you? Or that I paid her off to keep quiet?"

I almost feel my knees buckle. I can't speak. I can't believe that all of this has poured out of him. All I wanted when I called him over here was some closure. I just wanted to know why Brooke had mentioned those shares right after the gala when Mark and I were still together. I wanted this to be the last time I'd ever see him.

"What do you want?" He takes a step back from me. "I'll give you the apartment. You can sell it and buy one in Boston. Do you want money? What? Tell me what?"

"Nothing," I whisper. "I want nothing."

He glares at me as he marches towards the door. "I'll be back. Think about what you want and I'll be back."

I slide to the floor as the door slams behind him.

Chapter 14