Page 20 of Obsessed: Part 3

"Oh," I murmur trying to absorb the kindness of the gesture.

"When Brighton added her to the list I do admit I suggested strongly that he invite her to his gallery opening and I pressed him to tell her to bring you," he says sheepishly.

"That's why Liz was so adamant about me attending with her." I pull up memories of Liz insisting I go with her even though I had whined about how boring it would be for me.

"I took Brighton to Veray to see some of your collection a few weeks before the opening and then mentioned you were a friend of Liz's and I'd like to meet you." The words come out slowly and purposefully. It's almost as if he's choosing each one very carefully.

"So, you did manipulate him into inviting me?" I stare at his face hoping to catch his gaze.

"I wanted you to be there. I just wanted to be close to you." He locks his eyes with mine. "I can't tell you what it felt like when I saw you standing there alone."

I pull my arms around his waist and rest my head against his chest again. "Jax?"

"What is it, beautiful?" He softly caresses my shoulder.

"Thank you for making sure I'd be there."

Chapter 11

"Why are you getting dressed?" he asks. He shakes his head as he playfully grabs at the hem of my dress.

"I need to take care of a few things today." I pull back and slip on my heels. "I'm meeting Nathan shortly."

"Let me get ready." He pushes past me to his closet and rips a shirt from one of the padded hangers. "It won't take me long."

I tap him on his shoulder trying to divert his attention away from the wardrobe. "You aren't coming with me," I giggle.

"Yes, I am," he says boldly before stepping into a pair of slacks. "I'm not letting you out of my sight. Besides, I don't like the way he looks at you."

"Jax." I reach to button the white dress shirt he's pulled on. "I'm meeting my attorney to talk about my business deal with you. Do you see how that might be just a bit of a conflict?" I tilt my head to the side.

"Ah…" He masterfully ties a blue bold-patterned tie around his neck. "You two are going to scheme to get more from me, aren't you?" he asks teasingly while pulling out the empty pockets of his slacks. "I'm all tapped out, Ivy. You ran me dry with your list of demands."

I laugh loudly as I swat him on the forearm. "It's just to finalize some things with Madeline."

"I heard about that." He kisses the top of my head before he continues, "I'm proud of you, beautiful. You told Madeline who was boss."

"Hardly," I scoff. "I just don't want to suffocate my business anymore. I need it to grow and getting out from under her wing is a good start."

"I'm glad you see that." He walks over to his dresser and loops one exquisite cufflink through the arm of his shirt. "I knew buying into Veray would pay off. It bought you some time."

The comment jars me. Why would he say that? "What?" I blurt out. "What do you mean it bought me some time?"

He turns as he fastens the other cufflink into place. "Veray is on the verge of bankruptcy."

Startled, I don't say a word in response.

"I've known Madeline for years." He's standing in front of me now, adjusting his suit jacket. "She's a horrible businesswoman."

"When did you know it was in trouble?" I inhale sharply. Why hadn't he mentioned this to me before? Is this why he was so reluctant to sell his shares in Veray to me?

"The day after I read in the Dialogue piece that you had an exclusive contract with her," he says it so easily. It's as though the details of that knowledge are lost on him. Does he not understand that I've placed the success of my entire business into Madeline's hands for the past few years?

"I had no idea." My skin is burning in frustration. I feel as though he's been orchestrating my life behind my back for the past year.

"Why did you think I bought into it?" The smile on his face has faded into a frown. "I did that so you wouldn't get stuck in limbo when the creditors came looking for their money."

I'm losing my footing. The room is spinning. I reach behind me to find the edge of the bed. "When were you going to tell me this?"