Page 17 of Obsessed: Part 3

"Would you have told me if I hadn't found out myself?" I ask meekly.

He hangs his head lo

w, his eyes focused on the bed. "Yes," he offers in a shallow voice.

"When?" I press.

"I went back to California after that night at the gala to take care of my mother. Well, actually after that night with Brooke." He corrects himself. "I made it my mission to find out everything I could about you."

"That's how you knew about the article. The Dialogue article that you brought up at Brighton's opening?" I ask excitedly. The pieces are starting to fall into place.

"Yes." He nods.

"What about the woman you said you dated who was wearing one of my bracelets?" I ask.

"There was a woman months ago. It was the only date I went on after seeing you at the gala," he says gently. "She was wearing one of your bracelets."

"How is that possible?" I'm confused. "What are the chances that a woman you'd go on a date with would be wearing one of my designs?"

He pulls back and swings his legs over the bed. "I met her the day I bought into Veray. I was in the showroom with Madeline. There was a blonde woman looking at your pieces."

I move next to him, my feet dangling inches from the floor.

"I thought it was you." He squeezes his eyes shut. "I wanted it to be you. I stood right behind her. She wasn't wearing a ring."

I reach to wrap my arm around his neck and I pull him into me. "I'm sorry it wasn't me. I wish it had been."

He gently rubs his hand over my leg. "Me too, beautiful."

I pull back as a heavy yawn takes over my body.

"Get under the covers." He stands and moves back the blanket exposing the sheet. "It's very late."

"We're not done." I protest kicking my legs against the side of the bed.

"We're never going to be done. You'll always be mine." He scoops me up and lays my head on the pillow.

I smile at him in the dim light. He looks different tonight. He's happier, lighter maybe. "That's not what I meant."

"We'll talk more tomorrow." His lips graze my forehead. "Sleep now, beautiful."

I sigh as I close my eyes and drift off into a heavy sleep.

Chapter 10

I feel his breath on my thigh before I open my eyes. I struggle to process where I am. It's Jax's bed. The room is dimly lit. It's just the breaking of the new day. I can make out a small silver of light bursting into the room.

"Jax," I murmur as I fumble for him. I reach down and my hand wraps itself into his hair. He's there. He's so close. He's going to make me come again.

"Relax, beautiful." His lips tickle my hip. "This is how you're going to wake up every morning."

"No." I protest lightly. I don't mean it. I want this. I want him. I want to wake up in this bed every single day.

"No?" His body shifts and his lips are touching my chin. I feel his fingers trace a lazy path along my clit. "What do you mean? You don't want this?" He pushes a finger into my wetness. "Your body is screaming for me."

"We just made love last night," I say breathlessly, my voice rising when he slides another finger into me causing me to involuntarily move my hips.

"So?" He traces his tongue over my lips pulling back when I reach to kiss him.