Page 7 of Still Obsessed

"I love you so much," I whisper into his neck. "You know that, don't you?"

He nuzzles his face into mine. "I feel it in here." His hand jumps to his chest and I cover it with my own.

"I would do anything for you, Jax." My voice trembles with the words. The raw truth within them is so profound. I would do anything for this man. This is the man that I love more than life itself.

"You can do that again in about an hour." He pinches my side and I feel a sigh of relief at the small reprieve form the intensity that has been swirling around me since I left Nathan's office just an hour ago.

"Maybe you can return the favor in an hour," I tease. My body aches at the mere thought of Jax's head between my legs. His skillful tongue can pull a climax to the surface so quickly. It seems almost effortless but it's his intimate knowledge of my body that makes it so intense.

"I can right now." His hands snake their way up to the hem of the grey wraparound dress I'm wearing.

"Not now." I inch forward so my chest is touching his. "Now I need to talk to you about something."

"Anything." He pulls me closer.

"Not like this," I say the words although I don't mean them. I want to hold onto him like this forever. I want to cling to his body for dear life. I don't want the words that I'm about to say to him to change anything but I know that they will.

"Why?" I feel him retreat and I know he's waiting to meet my gaze. I can't look up at him just yet.

"You need to put your clothes back on." My breath skirts across his bare chest. My eyes clinging to the strong muscles of his well-toned arms.

His hands grasp my face and he pulls my head up so it's level with his. "What's this about? Nathan? You saw him today, didn't you?"

I slide my body off of his to allow him access to the clothes I pulled off him the moment I got through the door.

"I did." I don't want to do this. I can't stand the thought of Jax knowing that Mark left everything he own

ed to me including controlling interest in the company he shared with Jax.

"Is that why you ravaged me?" There's a playful glint in his eye as he pulls his jeans and blue sweater back on. "You were thinking about Moore?"

I laugh. "No. Of course not. I couldn't wait to get home to you."

He leans down and pulls his lips slowly across mine. I sigh at the intimacy of the gesture. I love kissing him. I could kiss him for hours and never tire of it.

"What's it about then?" He walks past me to the kitchen and I curse inwardly. I just want him to sit back down so I can tell him this without any more thought. I can't keep playing the possible scenarios of how he's going to react over and over again in my mind.

"Can you come sit down?"

There's absolutely no response. Only the sound of dishes moving and drawers being opened and closed greets me. I sit in utter silence, not moving for what feels like an eternity.

"Here's some fruit." Jax reappears with a small plate piled high with sliced apples, strawberries, bananas and oranges. "Eat and drink this." He pushes a bottle of water towards me.

"I'm not hungry." I sigh. "I just want to talk."

"You've lost weight." He pushes a piece of apple between my lips. "That dress has never been that loose on you."

I smile at the concern in his voice. "I'm fine. I just haven't been hungry." How could I have an appetite when I've been dealing with the non-stop stress of Jax working for me and now Mark's death? It's a wonder I can get one meal a day down.

"Eat, beautiful." He tempts me with a piece of strawberry. "I'm worried about you."

I nod and take the fruit between my lips. I eat a quarter of the fruit on the plate and take a long sip of water before I raise a brow. "Is that enough, Mr. Walker?"

"It's a start." He kisses me gently. "I just want to take care of you."

"You do." I stroke his brow with my hand while I stare into his eyes. "You take such good care of me."

He silently reaches for my hands as his eyes scan my face. He's searching for a clue about what I want to talk about. He's anxious. I can see it between his brows. His forehead is furrowed. That's a sure sign that he's feel apprehension. I've seen it too many times not to know the meaning within it.