Page 7 of Obsessed: Part Two

"No. Absolutely not." He stares directly into me. "I've wanted you since the night that picture was taken."

"What picture?" My emotions are quickly racing to the surface.

"The one you brought to my office."

"The one where you were creeping in the background?" The question flies from my lips like a skewer pointed right at him.

"I remember everything about that night. I remember the first moment I saw you." He reaches behind him as if to steady his balance. His hand fumbles for assurance as it finds the edge of the couch and he lowers himself onto it.

I follow his lead and sit in the chair across from him. I don't speak.

"You were wearing a black gown and your hair was falling down your back. I walked up behind you as soon as I saw you. The fragrance of your skin was intoxicating. I was reaching for your shoulder. I wanted so badly to talk to you. I couldn't breathe being that close to you and then…" his voice trails as he looks down and fumbles with his fingers.

"I don't remember seeing you," I say it softly not wanting to interrupt his thoughts.

"You were so focused on him. He walked in and you went to him." He shakes his head as if to erase the image.

"Yes." I manage to say. I remember that night vividly. Mark and I had spent the afternoon looking at venues for our wedding reception. I had been floating on cloud nine that entire day and the gala was the icing on the proverbial happiness cake.

"That's when I saw it." His tone shifts. There's a sliver of anger edging it now.

"Saw what?"

"You kissed him. You put your hand to his face and there it was. That ring. The ring and I knew." His voice cracks. "I knew you belonged to him."

"We were engaged then." I offer although it's a fact that I'd rather forget.

He stands and walks towards the window. I watch as he silently closes it, latching the lock into place. "I went back to Los Angeles. I couldn't understand how someone like him could get a woman like you."

"Someone like him?" I prompt.

"Mark does unspeakable things." He clenches his fist and raises it slightly as if he's ready to punch the window. "He's evil. You're an angel. You never belonged with him."

"Brighton told me about your father. I didn't make the connection until I was in Mark's office." I offer. "You should have told me you were Tom Walker's son."

"I was testing you." He turns so he's facing me again.

"Testing me?" I chuckle as I say the words. "Testing me how?"

"Mark has done things. Things that he'd tell you are in the name of business. Things that damaged people I cared for." His eyes darken as he continues, "I had to know whether you knew who I really was or not."

"You don't think I would have told you right away if I had any clue you were Mark's business partner?" I sneer.

"Mark knew I wanted you, Ivy." He walks towards me stopping just short of where I'm standing. "He used your shares to manipulate me."

"So that gave you permission to manipulate me?" I poke my index finger into his chest.

He captures my hand in his, holding it firmly. "No, there's no excuse for that."

"How did he manipulate you?" I ask losing confidence in my ability to be objective. I try to pull my hand from his but he only squeezes it together.

He looks down briefly before answering. "He used the guilt I felt over my father to give him free reign with the business. He drove it into the ground before I even realized what was happening."

"What guilt?" Again I jerk my hand but his thumb begins to softly caress my palm. "What happened with your father?"

"I was a horrible son." His bottom lip trembles and for a fleeting moment I think I see tears well in his eyes. "I was everything he didn't want me to be."

I nod in silence knowing that exact feeling. My father's disappointment in me is echoed in the pain I see in Jax's eyes.