Page 5 of Obsessed: Part Two

I pull in a deep breath and raise my eyes so I meet her gaze. "What is it?"

"Don't let him intimate you."

"He doesn't," I snap back at her.

"He does," she says. "I saw him doing it just now back at the table."

"I wouldn't call it intimidation." I rub the now pink cloth roughly across the fabric of my dress. I want her to take her observations and walk out the door before she hits the nail on the head and I break apart.

She douses another cloth in soda water before handing it to me. "Men like him have secrets."

"What kind of secrets?" I nod as I take the fresh cloth and throw the other into the sink next to her.

"Secrets that drive them." She turns to look at herself in the mirror. "Secrets that make them crave control."

I move so I'm standing next to her. "Do you know his secrets?" I stare at her reflection in the mirror.

She slowly moves her head from side-to-side as she traces a bright red, perfectly manicured fingernail around her top lip. "I'm not close enough to see it. You are."

"He's done nothing but lie to me." I fumble with the cloth in my hands again. Admitting that is hard. I'm ashamed that I let him seduce him. I'm embarrassed that I slept with him and I'm sick to my stomach over the fact that I was falling for him.

"Did you ask him why?" She turns so she's facing me directly. "Why did he lie?"

"To get back something that belonged to his father."

"Some people would do anything for their family."

I don't respond. I rub the cloth against the now faded stain on my dress.

"Look at you," she says. "You're a prime example of that."

"How so?" The understated suggestion that I'm like Jax stings but I don't show it. I know that she already sees me as an emotionally bruised little dove who has stepped into the vulture's trap.

"You came here to fight for your mother's dream today." She softens. "I admire that. He does too. Don't let that dream die, Ivy."

"I won't." I smile weakly. "I can't."

"I'll have Teresa call you to set up a time for you to come to my office so we can talk more." She picks up the empty glass and takes a step towards the door. "It'll be just the two of us but I can't do anything without his approval. Keep that in mind."

I smile softly and nod.

Chapter 3

The weak knock at the door rustles me from my dream. I sit up straight and realize I'd fallen asleep on the couch after getting back from the restaurant. I'm still wearing the stained dress and now that it's wrinkled I couldn't look worse for the wear. I'm a sight but seeing Mrs. Adams will give me a boost.

I flinch as my bare feet hit the chilled hardwood. I forgot to close the windows when the sun started to set. The rain today had caused the temperature to dip and now I'm feeling the remnants of that in the air.

The knock is repeated just as I pull open the door. "I fell asleep, Mrs. Adams…" My voice fades as I realize it's Jax standing in the entranceway. Time freezes. I stare at him.

"I didn't mean to wake you." His voice is smooth. The tone is warm. "I wanted to drop this off." A gray garment bag floats into view. I feel as though I'm still caught in the dream. I was dreaming of him, wasn't I? Of his arms around me.

"What are you doing here?" My eyes scan the hallway behind him. "How did you get up here?"

He takes a step towards me and I retreat. He uses the opportunity to slide past me into the room. "The doorman remembered that we worked together. I told him I was your assistant and I had a delivery."

"You can't be here." I don't want this. I don't need this right now. "I want you to go."

"Give me two minutes." He motions towards the living room. "I have something for you."