Page 11 of Obsessed: Part Two

"Two kids." He reaches across his desk to retrieve a framed photograph and hands it to me.

I bite my lip at my first look at the two angelic faces smiling at me. "They're so beautiful."

"Madison and Mackenzie," he says it with pride. "They're great. I go back at least once a month to get my quality uncle time in."

I smile as I try to absorb the information he's throwing at me. I miss Sandra. I need to call her and congratulate her on her life. "I envy her in some ways," I say quietly.

"Me too," he confesses. "But all of that and more can be yours as soon as you become Mrs. Mark Carleton."

"You heard about that?" I wrinkle my nose.

"Everyone back home heard about it. It was in all the papers." He cocks an eyebrow.

I sigh. I'm going to have to explain to my childhood crush that I'm no longer marrying the man everyone still seems to think I'm devoted to. "We're not getting married. That's part of the reason why I'm here."

"I'm sorry to hear that." There's no indication of emotion in his tone. "I wondered why you needed a securities attorney."

"My dad mentioned your name when he was here for dinner the other night." I look past Nathan to the stunning view of midtown Manhattan that sits outside his windows. "He thought you were still in Boston. I was surprised when I realized you were here in New York."

"I moved out here a few months ago when I turned thirty." He chuckles before he continues, "I guess I needed a change of scenery."

"I love it here." I lock eyes with him. "It's been good to me."

"Apparently it has if you need my services." He grins as he opens a tablet. "What can I do for you, Ivy Marlow?"

"I own shares in Mark's real estate investment firm. I want to sell them." My stomach tightens as I say the words. I'm actually moving forward with this and as soon as Nathan gets involved, there's no turning back.

"Then I'll make sure you sell them." He pushes his chair back and effortlessly stands. He seems so much taller than I remember.

I follow his lead. "Is that it?"

"For today." He walks to wear I'm standing. "I'll have my assistant draw up a contract and he'll send that over to you this afternoon. Once you sign that I can access everything I need to and we'll come up with a fair asking price and start looking for an interested party."

"Someone is already interested." I blush when I say it.

The corner of his mouth turns up slightly. "I'm not surprised."

I stare into his eyes as my heart plunges back to my early teenage years. I'd swoon over pictures of him in Sandra's house and melt whenever he walked into the room. I briefly have a flash of what my life might have been like if he had actually taken notice of me when I was seventeen and desperately infatuated with him.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts. "I'll wait to hear from you."

He places his hand on my back before opening his office door. "I'll be in touch very soon."


"There you are, dear." Mrs. Adams greets me as I exit the taxi.

"What are you doing out here?" I reach for her arm, helping to steady her as she limps towards me through all the pedestrian traffic. "You should be inside."

"Nonsense." She scoffs as she allows me to lead her toward the shade of the building. "It's a beautiful day and I was just taking a small walk."

I tilt my head towards her knowing that she's way too independent for her own good. "I just wish you'd ask Oliver to walk with you." I try not to let my concern overtake my tone.

"That young man was here looking for you again." She stops mid step to point her finger at me. "You know the one."

"Jax." I say.

"Yes. I don't understand that at all. Who names their child Jax? Is that short for something?"