Page 25 of Obsessed: Part Two

"What is it, beautiful?" He reaches to adjust the collar of my dress.

"You're not hiding anything from me, are you?" I tilt my head to the side wanting to draw out anything that is left lingering within him that relates to Mark or me. "You've told me everything about the Mark stuff, right?"

His brow arches and he brushes his lips quickly and softly against mine. "I'm not holding anything back. I handled the Mark stuff like a royal asshole. I regret that. "

"Please don't hide things from me?" I know I sound like I'm pleading. I know I likely sound pathetic but I don't care at this point. I can't move forward if this beautiful man in front of me is hiding anything else.

"I won't. I won't risk it." He pulls me into a tight embrace. "I can't lose you. I can't breathe without you."

Chapter 13

I insist we take the train to Boston and Jax uses that time to temptingly tease me each moment he possibly can. By the time we arrive at my father's front door I'm feeling desirous, giddy and excited about how my father will react when he meets the man I'm crazy about.

"Promise me you'll behave," I say as I hold my finger over the doorbell of the humble home I grew up in.

"I promise," he says the words with a grin at the very same moment I feel his large hand grab my ass through my jeans.

"Princess, you're here." My father pulls me into a warm embrace when he opens the door. I hold tight to him. It's been years since I've been back and it's been longer since I felt so welcome.

"Dad, this is Jax Walker." I move aside so my father can get his first look at Jax.

"It's good to meet you, sir." Jax extends his hand and my father tentatively grabs it. He shakes it all the while giving Jax a thorough once over.

"Nice to meet you, Jax." My father motions for us both to come in.

"I'm going to show Jax where we'll stay and then we'll come down to visit. Is that okay?" I need to get Jax's first impression of my dad and I can't exactly do that with him standing directly in front of me.

"Sure." My father nods. "I'll brew up a pot of coffee for us."

"Follow me." I loop my arm through Jax's after he picks up both of our overnight bags. He follows me up the long staircase to the second floor of the brick townhouse I grew up in. "We're in here." I open the door and step through first.

"This is quaint, princess," he teases.

I throw my hands onto my hips and pretend to be disgruntled. "Cute, Mr. Walker."

"I love that your father calls you that." He scoops me into his arms and brushes his soft lips against mine. "I can't believe I'm standing in the house you grew up in."

"I can't believe it either." I move away from him and walk to the window. I glance down at the small backyard I used to play with my sister in. I run my hand along the faded fabric of the curtains. "My mother sewed them herself before I was born, "I whisper.

"I want to know more about her." He comes up behind me, pulling my body into his. "I want to know all about young Ivy Marlow and how she became the amazing woman she is now."

I turn and bat my hand playfully against his broad chest. "There's not much to tell."

"I doubt that." He pulls on my earring. "You're the most fascinating person I've ever met. I want to know everything there is to know about you."

"Like what?" I look up into his eyes.

"Like what's your favorite flower?"

"Daisies. "I answer immediately.

"What's your favorite color, what's your favorite book, what movies make you cry, what movies make you laugh…" he stops to catch his breath.

"Is that it?" I pull away and sit on the edge of the bed. It's covered with the same pattered bedspread that I used to dream on when I was a little girl.

"That's only the start." He sits down next to me.

"The inquisition will have to wait. We have a coffee date waiting for us."