Page 49 of Obsessed

He pushes a glass of water towards me. "Drink this."

I take the glass. The sudden realization that he looked through my cupboards to find it brings a small smile to my lips.

"Ivy. Drink." He motions towards my mouth with his hand. "You've barely had anything to drink today. I don't want you getting dehydrated."

I raise the glass to my lips. The cold water a welcome reprieve from the thirst I'd been ignoring. I finish the entire glass before handing it back to him.

"Thank you," I say as he moves to kneel in front of me.

He smiles before running the fingertips of his right hand across my forehead, pushing back the hair that had fallen into my eyes.

I relish in his touch, still wanting to express how wonderful it had felt to come under his direction. I clear my throat, readying myself to speak.

"I have to go." Jax cups my left cheek with his palm. "I have a meeting I can't miss."

"At Veray?"

"No." He leans in to kiss me tenderly before standing and reaching for his suit jacket. "Another business interest." I watch as he pulls his phone from the jacket's inner pocket.

I nod, realizing that I know so little about him, yet we just shared one of the most amazing experiences of my life.

"I left the envelope on the table. Don't open it without my permission."

I raise my left eyebrow. "Or?" I teasingly ask.

"Or I'll be thoroughly disappointed in you." He doesn't look up from his phone. His eyes scanning the screen, his thumb scrolling through messages I assume.

"I won't then." I stand and adjust the robe, readying myself to walk him to the door.

He takes my hint and motions for me to lead the way. I do in silence, feeling slightly abandoned after what just happened.

"Leonard will pick you up for dinner at eight o'clock." He rests his hand on the doorknob. "Wear the red dress hanging in the middle of your closet and bring the envelope."

I glance over to the table at the envelope still sitting exactly where he dropped it.

"And, beautiful..." he reaches forward to brush my lips with his. "Don't under any circumstances speak to Mark or Liz."

"I don't want to talk to either of them today."

"Good." With that he opens the door, slips through and quietly closes it behind him.

I lean against the door listening to the elevator's bell signalling Jax's brisk departure.

Chapter 15

"I knew you'd look gorgeous in that dress." Jax greets me as he opens the door of the sedan.

"You have impeccable taste in clothing, Mr. Walker," I tease as I reach for his hand before stepping out of the car.

"And women," he quips before giving me a quick kiss.

The remark bites. I'm not foolish enough to believe that I'm the first woman Jax has swept off her feet, and that has me wondering how many have come before me.

"Let's go up." His fingers interweave with mine as we silently walk up the stairs to his apartment.

I place my purse and the plain white envelope down on the coffee table before I turn to him. "How did your meeting go?"

"Fine," he says brusquely. "I'll get us some wine."