Page 45 of Obsessed

Less than thirty minutes later, Leonard parks the car in front of my apartment building. We had stopped on our way in midtown in front of a non-descript storefront. Jax had run in and emerged within moments with a bright, mischievous grin on his face.

I had questioned him as the car weaved through traffic towards my building, but the only response I received was a smirk and a wink.

"Are you sure you're ready to go up?" His voice pulls me from my thoughts.

"I am."

Leonard opens the door as I make my exit from the car, followed quickly by Jax. I instantly feel his hand on my waist as we begin walking side-by-side towards the building.

"Ivy!" Mrs. Adams almost runs directly into me as I step into the lobby. She's holding tight to Oliver's arm. "Dear, there you are. I was worried sick."

"I'm sorry. I should have called."

Her gaze swiftly jumps from me to Jax. "I'm so glad that you've hired a bodyguard. Now Mark and that Elizabeth woman can't get anywh

ere near you."

"Actually, he's not..."

"I'll be certain to take the best care of Ivy," Jax interjects. "I'm not a bodyguard though. I'm a friend."

"A boyfriend?" Mrs. Adams rattles on, "Ivy has needed a boyfriend since the Mark fiasco. Now, young man, you better take care of her heart. It's fragile, you know."

"Yes. I know. Ivy is a treasure. You have my word I'll take very good care of her." He glances down at me before continuing, "I'm Jax Walker and you are?" He extends his hand waiting for Mrs. Adams to place her diminutive, weathered hand in his.

"It's a pleasure, Mr. Walker." She reaches to shake his hand. "I'm Rose Adams. I live next door to Ivy."

"She's a wonderful neighbor," I offer. I'm eager to get upstairs to my apartment to see whether there's any permanent damage from last night's argument.

"I need to be on my way now." Mrs. Adams looks towards Oliver who stepped back inside. "Oliver is going to help me find a taxi."

"Absolutely not." Jax extends his arm to her. "My driver, Leonard, will take you anywhere you need to go and I'll have him wait and bring you home."

"Nonsense," Mrs. Adam gestures in the air with her hand as if trying to hit a wayward fly. "A taxi suits me just fine."

"You can trust Leonard." Jax winks at her. "He'd enjoy keeping himself occupied."

She throws him a sceptical glance before nodding once in agreement.

I watch as he speaks to Leonard after helping Mrs. Adams into the backseat of the sedan. I can't help but notice how tender he is as he takes her arm to guide her in.

"Onwards and upwards, Ivy," Jax says as he walks towards me. "Your apartment and my surprise awaits."


"Everything looks just as I left it." I place my purse down on the foyer table. "The letters. They're gone."

"I didn't see any letters when I came by earlier." Jax walks from his place near the door to stand next to me. "Do you mean the letters addressed to Mark?"

I nod, knowing I should explain to Jax more about what happened last night but not feeling the inner strength to relive those moments yet so I don't elaborate.

It's as if he reads my mind. "I can take you somewhere else if this is too much for you."

"No, it's not." I try to sound convincing. "I'm fine."

"You're certain?"

"I just want to put last night behind me. I have to." I try to find strength in my words all the while knowing that it will take me a long time to get over the realization that Liz betrayed me.