Page 34 of Obsessed

"Jax asked me to put Liz on my short list of potential placement candidates so you'd be at the opening. We discussed it months ago. It was before he bought into Veray."

"None of this makes sense." I feel my face becoming flush. I just can't absorb everything he's telling me.

"He was so distraught after our mother died. His dad died just a few months before that. When he asked me to help him get close to you I couldn't say no. I told Liz she was a placement candidate before I even saw her work."

"But the other night you said she would be in the program." I think about Liz and how manipulated she's been by all of this.

"She will be, Ivy." He rests his hand on my forearm. "She's so talented. I'm so grateful Jax insisted on her."

"I don't understand any of this." I feel the muscles in my neck tightening.

"Jax is very controlling." Brighton continues, "our mother was like that too. When he wants something, he'll take it. Right now he wants you."

I sit quietly, listening to Brighton's voice and the distant sounds of the streets of Manhattan outside the cocoon of the car.

"I've told him it worries me." His voice becomes softer. "You're all he thinks about."

I lower the window. "We're ready, Sir."

The driver nods.

"You're sure?" Brighton asks with apprehension in his voice.

"Positive, " I say. "I can't wait to see Jax."


"The guest of honor has yet to arrive," Madeline says to me even though she's staring straight at Brighton.

"Oh, Madeline, this is Brighton Beck." I step back allowing Madeline space to greet Brighton.

She doesn't waste a moment before she pulls him into a tight embrace. Brighton throws me a quizzed look and I giggle.

"I'm such a huge fan, Brighton. I have one of your paintings in my den. Come." With that Madeline pulls a hesitant Brighton down the hall.

I survey the room quickly, waving to a couple of acquaintances. My mind is still reeling from the information Brighton threw at me before we arrived. Part of me feels flattered by Jax's almost compulsive like interest. The other part is deeply concerned that his fascination is dangerous.

I feel my clutch vibrating and realize I didn't set my phone to silent before Brighton picked me up. I scoop it out of my bag and with one quick glance spot that it's Mark calling. I push the ignore button. The last person I want to deal with tonight is him.

"Ivy Marlow, is that you?" An unrecognizable woman's voice breaks through my thoughts.

I turn to see Jennifer, one of the first buyers I worked with at Veray. "Jen, it's been how long?" I reach to hug her.

"Too long." She smiles warmly. "Where's Mark?"

"We're not together anymore," I say wishing I didn't have to keep explaining Mark's absence to people.

"Really?" She seems genuinely shocked. "I thought you two would do the whole white picket fence, two kids, happily-ever-after thing."

"It wasn't meant to be." Jax's voice interrupts before I can form any sort of reply.

I don't turn to look at him but I realize from Jen's expression that she finds him just as attractive as I do.

"You're Jax Walker, aren't you?" Jen holds out her hand as Jax comes into my peripheral vision.

"And you are?" Jax reaches for her hand, while his other hand finds its way to my back.

"Jennifer Flanagan. I'm a buyer. Well, I used to be a buyer. Although sometimes Ms. Veray will have a special project for me. "She's rambling and apparently isn't aware of it. "I..."