Page 56 of Obsessed

He lets out a hearty laugh as he pulls me down on my back into the softness of the duvet cover. "We'll work out an agreement."

"An agreement?" I tense at the sensation of his finger on my jaw. I know that he's about to kiss me and when that happens I'll be lost to him again.

"Stop talking." He leans closer until his lips brush against mine. I taste his breath and I'm instantly lost in the rush of desire for this man.

I reach for his suit jacket, pushing it boldly off his body. He complies and shifts slightly so I can access the buttons on the light blue shirt covering his chest. I stop once I realize that he's wearing cuff links and he breaks our kiss to skillfully remove them, tossing them on the bed behind us. I run my hands down the length of his chest. My fingers lightly graze the toned skin. I feel him fidget under my touch and I glance down to see his erection straining against his tailored slacks.

"Take your dress off," he orders before biting my lip causing me to moan loudly.

I obey. Pulling myself from the bed, I dutifully push the dress from my shoulders, revealing my breasts and the peach panties I'm wearing. I kick my other shoe off and stand before him on display.

He rises off the bed and stares at me as he unbuckles his belt and drops his slacks. His cock jumps as it's freed and I can't help but drink in his entire body. He's beautiful and I want every inch of him. It's never been like this for me. I've never felt this utterly consumed with desire for any man before.

"Your body is beautiful," I whisper, well aware that it's not typically what a woman would say to a man but acutely sensitive to the fact that he's likely heard it from countless women.

"I've never seen anyone as beautiful as you." He leans over and claims my mouth again. His tongue is hot, hard and unyielding. I feel all of my resistance fall to the floor along with my panties. He pushes them from me before pulling me onto the bed on top of him.

I whimper when I feel his lips leave mine. His breath is hot on my neck as he whispers in my ear. "Ivy, have you been checked?"

I pull back and sit astride his stomach. I can feel his cock resting against my ass cheek. "Checked?"

"Tested, checked." He holds my hands in his. "Have you been to the doctor to be tested since you and Mark ended things?"

"Oh, yes." I blush, realizing my innocence when it comes to intimacy is on full display yet again. "I did. I had to. You know." I close my eyes, pushing any thought of Mark and Liz away. I can't think of them right now or ever again.

"And you're on the pill?"

"Yes, for years now. What about you?" I want to appear just as invested in this conversation as he is.

"No, I passed on the pill." He smirks before he pulls my hands down until they are resting on either side of his head. "I love that you're the way you are."

"What way is that?" I blush, knowing that he's referring to my lack of experience.

"Sweet. Perfect. Ivy." He stares into my eyes before he continues, "how many men have there been?"

"In my bed?" I can't break his gaze. It's as if he's drawing the answers from the depths of my soul. I'm embarrassed to respond but I feel compelled. He wants to know and I want to please him so desperately.

"One." I say it with assurance. It's the truth. It's who I am.

"One," he repeats back, his eyes scanning my face and settling on my lips.

"I won't ask." I murmur, knowing that I don't want to know the answer.

"I couldn't answer." He settles his gaze on my shoulder. "I don't count anymore."

"I understand." I say it with a small smile even though the pain that is coursing through my heart speaks of my disappointment. He can't remember them all. How many does there have to be before you forget them all?

"Kiss me, beautiful. I have something I want to ask." I push my naked chest into his as I run my tongue along his bottom lip before covering his mouth with mine. I pull his breath into me, languishing in the feel of his soft experienced lips against my timid ones.

"I want you to be my first." I feel the whisper of the words against my lips. I don't move. I'm certain that I've misunderstood what he's said. "My first," he repeats it again, this time louder and more pronounced.

I sit back up and my hand instinctively reaches to cover my breast as a burst of the cool air in the apartment rushes over my skin. "I'm sorry. What did you say?" I ask, fearing that he's going to ask me to do something with him I'm not ready for yet.

"Christ. Look at you. Your skin, the shape of your breasts, your lips. You're more than I ever imagined a woman could be."

My hips instinctively start to move. I reach for my nipple and trace my finger around it. His words have fuelled my desire. I've never felt more alive than I do in this moment.

"I've never been with a woman without protection." His eyes are glued to