Page 44 of Obsessed

I reach out to run my finger along my mother's beautiful face in the image. She's cradling me as she sits beaming in the hospital bed the day I was born.

"I'll have it fixed." His voice is so calm.

"It's destroyed," I whimper.

"It's bruised. Trust me with it, please."

I look from the frame to his face. I study his eyes, seeing the deep and genuine concern in them. "Yes. I trust you. "

Chapter 14

"Thank you for picking up some of my things," I say to Jax as I walk back into the kitchen after having a warm shower and getting dressed.

"I knew you'd look lovely in that dress." He smiles at me. "Purple is really striking on you, Ivy."

I look down at the simple sundress and white strappy heels he brought for me from my place.

"I haven't seen you with your hair pulled back like that." He stands next to me, running his hand down my cheek, past my chin and unto my neck.

I sigh, enjoying his touch. "I'd like to go to my apartment now."

"I'd like to stop somewhere before we do that, if you don't mind." There's a playful tone to his voice.

"Please say it's not the police station." I frown as I look up at him.

He gently moves his hand from my neck back to my face, cradling my right cheek with his palm. "Ivy, last night you said no police. I wouldn't push you to do anything you don't want."

"Thank you." I place my hand over his relishing in the feeling of his touch.

"No. I should be the one thanking you." His other hand finds my left cheek and our eyes meet.

"For?" I search his eyes for an answer.

"You came here last night. I was the one you wanted when you needed help." His voice is soft, gentle and soothing. "That means more than you know."

I smile. "I'm not sure why but you make me feel so safe."

His tone becomes more serious. "You're safe with me, Ivy. I loved taking care of you. That was a gift for me and so today..."

"Today?" I ask, wondering what he has in store for me.

"Today I repay the gift."

I 'm puzzled and I'm certain he can read that within my expression. "I should be the one repaying you for everything you did for me."

"You will." He reaches for my hand. "All of the pleasure I'm going to take from you today, tomorrow and every day after that will be my compensation."

I stand silent while my mind jumps to an image of him in the shower, nude, semi-erect and wanting.

"You want that don't you, Ivy?" he asks with confidence. "You want me to help you feel pleasure, don't you?"

I nod, unable to form any coherent response. I'm certain if I open my mouth at this point, nothing but high pitched gibberish will spill out.

He smiles. I watch intently as he pulls my hand to his lips and kisses each of my fingers slowly and methodically.

"Time to go." He steps towards the apartment door. I follow, unsure of what I've gotten myself into.
